PSU Design Standards Revisions

PSU Design Standards Revisions

TitleEffective DateDescription
Section 26 00 00 ElectricalJun 06, 2017 10:55 AM
 An update to the University’s lighting standards throughout division 26; to accomplish needed change and revision. Section 26 09 23 Lighting Control Devices and Systems, 26 51 00 Interior Lighting, 26 52 00 Emergency Lighting

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

    1)  An update to the University's lighting standards throughout Division 26; to accomplish needed change and revision.

Section 01 35 20 Safety RequirementsMay 22, 2017 11:45 AM
 To add sub section .03 Prevention through Design Standards

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

   1)Too add sub section .03 Protection through Design Standards

Section 23 21 13 Hydronic Piping GuidespecMar 22, 2017 07:05 AM
 Complete replacement of existing word document specification in table

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1) To replace existing document specification in table

Section 33 40 00 Stormwater DrainageMar 16, 2017 02:10 PM
 Stormwater section major delete and replace

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1.) Delete current section and its entirely and replace with new section

Section 23 25 00 HVAC Water Treatment-commonwealth -PDFMar 13, 2017 02:40 PM
 Water treatment Commonwealth

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1). add this section for Commonwealth

Section 23 21 13 D02 pdfMar 13, 2017 02:35 PM
 Hydronic Plant Piping Schematic D2

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1.) to replace current schematic with new one.

Section 23 21 13D01pdfMar 13, 2017 02:30 PM
 Hydronic Plant Piping Schematic

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1.) to replace current schematic and replace with new.

Section 23 25 00 HVAC Water Treatment-commonwealth -word docMar 13, 2017 08:55 AM

HVAC Water Treatment for Commonwealth

Section 23 25 00 HVAC Water TreatmentMar 09, 2017 08:20 AM
 Section was updated to meet Project-specific requirements.

Section was updated for the following reasons:

1)  To meet Project-specific requirements.

Section 26 00 00 LightingNov 03, 2016 11:03 AM
 Update lighting standards throughout division 26

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1) An update to the University's lighting standards throughout division 26; to accomplish needed change and revision.

Section 25 55 00Oct 26, 2016 03:03 PM
 Replaced section 25 55 00 dated Sept. 2016 with revised section 25 55 00 dated Oct. 2016

Section was updated for the following reason:

 1) Replaced section 25 55 00 dated Sept. 2016 with revised section 25 55 00 dated Oct. 2016.

Section 23 82 00 Convection Heating and Cooling UnitsOct 05, 2016 11:10 AM
 Modified subsections .01 and .02 regarding coil selection criteria, including the intent to support the future use of 140 degree water.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1)    To remove inaccurate/outdated selection criteria and replace with intent for high-performance design selections. 

2)    To include requirements to select heating coils to support the future use of 140 degree supply water temp from alternative low temperature heat sources in the future. 

3)    To require stainless steel coil casings on applications that will condense moisture

Section 25 55 00Sep 22, 2016 02:00 PM
 Replaced section 25 55 00 dated NOV2015 in its entirety with new section 25 55 00 dated SEPT2016

 Section was updated for the following reason:

 1) Replaced section 25 55 00 dated NOV2015 in its entirety with new section 25 55 00 dated SEPT2016.

Section 01 35 20 Safety Requirements

Access Ladders PDF

Sep 09, 2016 11:50 AM
 To revise safety requirements

Section was updated for the following reason:

 1) To revise Section on Safety Requirements

Section 26 50 00 LightingJul 19, 2016 09:22 AM
 A University lighting matrix was added to the standard for clarity.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1) A University lighting matrix was added to the standard for clarity.

Section 26 36 00 Transfer SwitchesJun 17, 2016 08:40 AM
 Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional data sheet.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

    1)  Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.

Section 26 22 00 Low-voltage TransformersJun 16, 2016 11:10 AM
 Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

     1)  Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.

Section 26 24 16 PanelboardsJun 16, 2016 11:10 AM
 Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

   1)  Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.

Section 26 32 13 Engine GeneratorsJun 16, 2016 11:05 AM
 Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

    1) Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and new additional datasheet.



Section 26 24 13 SwitchboardsJun 14, 2016 02:30 PM
 Delete old section and replace with new section

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

     1) Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification and new additional datasheet.

Section 26 05 53 Identificaiton for Electrical SystemsJun 08, 2016 10:35 AM
 Delete and replace section

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

     1)  Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section.

Section 26 05 73 Power Systems StudiesJun 08, 2016 09:15 AM
 Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and sample standard arc flash labels.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

      1) Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and sample standard arc flash labels.

Section 26 05 26 GroundingJun 02, 2016 02:00 PM
 Section deletion and replacement

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

     1) Deleted old section and replaced with new section, which includes a new guide specification section and updated grounding details.

Section 26 00 01 Owner General Requirements

Data Sheet Completion Instructions

Jun 02, 2016 09:30 AM
 rev to part E

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

     1) Added data sheet instructions in preparation for addition of new data sheets throughout standards.

28 00 00 Electronic Safety and SecurityMay 19, 2016 01:55 PM
 Update Fire Alarm Standards

Section was updated primarily for the following reason:

1) To update Fire Alarm Standards

22 31 00 Domestic Water SoftenersMay 19, 2016 11:05 AM
 Revisions to the domestic water softener section to remove ion exchange softeners.

Section was updated primarily for the following reason:

1) To revise the domestic water softener section to remove ion exchange softeners.

01 05 05 Space PlanningMay 17, 2016 02:10 PM
 .07 Addition of Lactating Rooms to PSU Design & Construction Standards

Section was updated primarily for the following reason:

1) To add the addition of Lactating Rooms to PSU Design & Construction Standards

01 05 05 Space PlanningMay 17, 2016 01:55 PM
 To revise Section .05 Unisex Toilet Rooms

Section was updated primarily for the following reason:

1) To revise Section .05 Unisex Toilet Rooms

01 40 00 Quality RequirementsApr 25, 2016 10:46 AM
 Revised Environmental Compliance Checklist 4-4-16

Section was updated primarily for the following reason:

1) To revise Environmental Compliance Checklist

09 68 10 Carpet TileApr 25, 2016 10:15 AM
 Revisions to 096810 Carpet Tile as a result of the most recent University Sustainable Carpet Committee assessment process.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

     1)  To revise section 096810 Carpet Tile as a result of the most recent University Sustainable Carpet Committee assessment process.

32 00 00 Exterior ImprovementsApr 13, 2016 02:55 PM
 32 90 00.02 Planting Revisions

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1) To revise Lawn and Grasses Construction Standard in Division 32   32 90 00.02

01 40 00 Quality RequirementsJan 12, 2016 09:25 AM
 Revised Environmental Compliance Checklist

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1)  To revise Environmental Compliance Checklist

23 00 10 Subsection 12Dec 16, 2015 09:34 AM
 Laboratory Ventilation Systems - Replace entire subsection

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

 1)      To make various additions and revisions throughout the entire

 section including, but not limited to, PSU Environmental Health and Safety  Requirements, Laboratory Fume Hoods and Other Containment Devices, Anatomy  Laboratory and Specialty Containment Exhaust Systems

25 00 00Dec 02, 2015 10:15 AM
 25 55 00 BAS Guide Spec Update -November 2015 version

 Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1. To add requirements for software license(s)

2.  To add requirements for "Construction Server"

23 00 10 Subsection 12Nov 16, 2015 11:25 AM
 Lab Vent Systems - EHS Interim Guidance

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

 1)      To remove prior guidance relative to EH&S and establish interim communication plan until updated requirements are published.

25 00 00Nov 02, 2015 02:10 PM
 25 55 00 BAS Guide Spec Update - October 2015 version

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Replaced old document name "Building Automation Systems (BAS)" and June 2014 version date with new document name "25 55 00 BAS GuideSpec"and October 2015 version date.
  2. Update summary is included in front end of document.
08 70 00Oct 27, 2015 01:45 PM

Updated door hardware

Section 07 00 00Oct 07, 2015 04:10 PM
 Section was updated to reflect changes in roof construction.

Section was updated to reflect changes in required slope for new versus existing roofs; removing the prohibition on APP systems; changing the requirements of roof insulation systems; increasing the height of required flashing; and adding drain sumps.

Section 23 21 13Oct 07, 2015 10:10 AM
 Section was updated to reflect prohibition on air pressure testing in hydronic piping systems.

Section was updated to reflect prohibition on air pressure testing in hydronic piping systems. Superceded Section 23 21 13 Hydronic Piping

Section 08 00 00Jul 14, 2015 10:00 AM
 Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1) To rename main heading of Division to match current industry practice
2) To consolidate requirements associated with windows (insulated glass units)
Superceded Section 08 00 00 Openings- consolidate window requirements

Section 01 81 13Jul 13, 2015 09:35 AM
  Added alternate bid requirements for Energy Conservation options.

Section was modified primarily for the following reasons:

1.    To define requirements for alternate bids for Energy Conservation options to provide the opportunity for the Owner to select and fund additional energy optimization features beyond the minimum project scope.

Section 32 90 00Jul 10, 2015 10:20 AM
 Modified subsections .02 and .03

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

1) To revise requirements for Planting Seasons

2) To revise maintenance requirements of trees and shrubs

3) To add/modify other miscellaneous requirements and corrections

Section 14 20 00Jul 01, 2015 02:50 PM
 Updated entire section on Elevators

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons

1)    To revise criteria for type of elevator to be used based on the number of floors it serves 

2)    To update various references to construction codes and industry standards for work associated with elevators 

3)    To revise the lists of manufacturers for elevators, controllers, and miscellaneous accessories 

4)    To update requirements for the Remote Monitoring System 

5)    To change elevator car lighting from fluorescent to LED 

6)    To revise/clarify other miscellaneous requirements

Section 25 00 00Apr 30, 2015 03:09 PM
 Updated document table in section 25 00 00. Remainder of section is unchanged.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. This is an upgrade to the existing process, whereby a member of the Facility Automation Services department controls and assigns the BACnet and network numbers.

Section 01 81 13Apr 03, 2015 12:10 PM
 Deleted .01 Owner General Requirements and Design Intent and .02 LEED Certification Requirements and replaced with new text.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To remove miscellaneous general design intent language that is now covered in a more specific detail of the cited combination of High Performance Building Design Standards.
  2. To clarify the specific versions of high-performance energy standards of ASHRAE 90.1 and 189.1 presently adopted by OPP.
  3. To remove the language in the "Advanced Energy Performance Target" that has become outdated due to incremental advances in the cited Energy Performance standards.  For projects that are not LEED, complying with the cited High-Performance Building Design Standards will achieve the intent.  For LEED projects, any such "Energy Performance Target" for the credit to "Optimize Energy Performance" shall be defined in the PSU LEED policy.
  4. To emphasize the Building Envelope Energy Component requirements and associated compliance documentation.
  5. To revise the correct title and hyperlink to the "PSU LEED Policy" document and to provide interim direction during migration period between LEED versions.

Section 23 00 01Mar 20, 2015 01:45 PM
 Added link to 01 00 00 General Requirements

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To remove outdated reference and replace with more comprehensive requirements throughout Division 1.

Section 01 50 00Mar 17, 2015 02:22 PM
 Added new subsection 01 56 16 to section 01 50 00

Section was added primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To add new section to define requirements for specifying dust barriers and other construction IAQ control methods to effectively isolate construction work areas from the surrounding occupied areas.
  2. To include definitions and roles of supporting parties.
Section 26 36 00Mar 16, 2015 09:10 AM
 Modified section 26 36 00

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Changed to eliminate a confusion issue when specifying equipment during design.

Division 26 00 00Feb 20, 2015 03:07 PM
 Revised various sections in Division 26

Sections were updated primarily for the following reasons:

26 00 01 - Section D was added to add to address the new Electrical Load Determination Form and to provide a hyperlink to the document.  Original sections D & E were relabeled due to the additional section D.  Section G was added to provide clarity to the designer and to ensure Engineering Services, Electrical Department is aware of any exceptions taken.

26 00 02.10 - Revision to section A, Motors, was added to give direction to the designer when and where to utilize VFD cables.

26 05 10.01 - Added sections G & H.  G was added to outline the specifications for VFD rate cable and to provide directive to the designer.  H was added to provide specifications for compression lugs.

26 05 26.01 - Added sections J, K & L.  J was added to clarify the use of a specific type of compression lug. K was added to clarify that PCV is preferred but RMC can be used if certain guidelines are followed.  L was added to hyperlink to PSU'ss typical design drawings for reference.

26 05 43.01 - Section F was updated to call out the use of detectable warning tape and to outline the specifications for the warning tape.  Section G was added to add a hyperlink to the typical CADD details for PSU Ductbanks.

26 05 43.02 - Section H was updated to add hyperlinks to PSU typical CADD details.

26 05 53.01 - Section J was added to address new labeling requirements for electrical service equipment that feeds CRITICAL research equipment.

26 20 00.01 - Number 3 was updated to change how the drawings are stored and what are they stored in.  This was done to make it easier to see if the drawings are in the document tube and to make it easier to get the drawings out of the document tube.

26 23 00.02 - A new section was added to address new guide specifications; the table contains a hyperlink to the OPP Low-Voltage Switchgear Guide Specification.  The guide specification was added as an easy reference for the Design Professional.

26 36 00.01 - Section C was updated to provide the Design Professionals with a more comprehensive list of options that will be required on all transfer switches.

00 51 00 - Added a row to the table to address the new hyperlink for the new load determination form.

26 20 00.01 - Section was updated so that designers know to confirm with Engineering Services whether ARM system is required.

26 32 13 - Section was updated to cover CCS monitoring of generators since it was deleted from the BAS and needs to be addressed.

26 00 01 - Section was updated to address BAS issues.

26 50 00 - Section was updated to add reference to Elevator Service section that notes minimum illumination levels and to revise general lighting source to LED.

26 56 00 - Exterior Lighting section updated to require the 10,000 lumen Poulsen Lipp LED luminaire to PSU UP campus walkways.

Section 26 36 00Feb 06, 2015 10:55 AM
 Modified Section 26 36 00 Transfer Switches

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Changed section to avoid confusion with selection transfer switch options.
Section 23 21 23Jan 16, 2015 10:58 AM
 Modified subsection .03 in Section 23 21 23

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Edit Shutoff Valve requirements to cross reference where defined elsewhere in the OPP Standards to avoid duplication/conflicting guidance
  2. Clarify pump discharge check valve requirements
  3. Eliminate requirement for flow measurement station at each pump
  4. Revise requirements for flexible pipe connectors to use flexible metal type on systems with operating temperatures 105°F and greater
Section 23 25 00Oct 24, 2014 02:36 PM
 Modified Section 23 25 00 HVAC Water Treatment to include a new guide specification.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

To add the guide specifications for closed systems.

To revise the portions of the standard associated with closed system to conform to the guide specifications.

Section 33 10 00Sep 19, 2014 02:17 PM
 Replaced Section 33 10 00 in its entirety

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To modify and expand some technical content requirements, including but not limited to, University Water Service and Water Line Extension Plan Approval Requirements, materials of construction, and changes in manufacturers' names.
  2. To reorganize the section into main parts as follows - General, System Requirements, Execution and Guideline Details.  Then System Requirements is organized starting with distribution and ending with building service entrances.
  3. Updated old drawings and added new drawings, each available in PDF or ACAD DWG electronic format.
Section 26 29 23Aug 27, 2014 01:00 PM
 Replaced OPP VFD GuideSpec document

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Revised VFD cable and cable installation requirements.
  2. Revised and replaced all occurrences of VFC to VFD throughout document.
Section 25 90 00Jul 29, 2014 12:42 PM
 Removed guide sequences of operation and replaced with guide sequences of operation

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To remove guide sequences of operation from the website because they are subject to frequent modifications and thus are impractical to keep updated on the website.
  2. To require that the Designer and the Control System Contractor always contact OPP FAS for the most current versions available for each project.
Section 25 90 00 (no link)Jul 29, 2014 12:25 PM
 Removed guide sequences table and replaced it with guide sequences of operation

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To remove guide sequences of operation from the website because they are subject to frequent modifications and thus are impractical to keep updated on the website.
  2. To require that the Designer and the Control System Contractor always contact OPP FAS for the most current versions available for each project.
Section 25 00 00Jul 15, 2014 09:48 AM
 Replaced updated Building Automation Systems (BAS) document

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Disallowed the use of Application Specific Controllers.
  2. Replaced Insight software (and misuse of Apogee term) with Desigo software.
  3. Clarified the intent of what stand alone at the terminal controller means.
  4. Clarified the intent of controlling only one major system from a single controller and using only one controller to process the entire program.
  5. Added an airflow trend COV increment.
  6. Replaced the Siemens System Architecture diagram.
Section 25 90 00Mar 18, 2014 03:53 PM
 Replaced the document for "Air terminal Units - Single Duct Variable Air Volume with Hot Water Reheat & Permiter Heating"

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Remove unneeded references to Division 26.
Section 01 41 00Mar 06, 2014 11:36 AM
 Updated Environmental regulatory Compliance Checklist and Addendum documents

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Include new asbestos containing material information.
Section 23 21 16Mar 03, 2014 01:53 PM
 Deleted subsection .05 Hydronic Specialties. Added section 23 21 16 in its entirety.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To create distinct section to follow industry standard section number and to correlate with new guide specification section.
  2. To reorganize information more appropriately into Standards (to convey design intent) and Guide Specifications and Details (to be edited and included in Contract Documents) for clearer and more user-friendly and effective implementation between design and construction phases.
Section 26 50 00Feb 20, 2014 11:56 AM
 Modified subsection .01 - Lighting Design

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Add reference to Elevator Service section that notes minimum illumination levels.
  2. Revise general lighting source to LED.
Section 25 90 00Feb 12, 2014 02:04 PM
 Updated the EUMS document

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. The EUMS has been greatly expanded and the sequence needed a major rewrite.
Section 22 11 00Dec 06, 2013 03:31 PM
 Deleted some text in subsection .01 of Section 22 11 00

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Information is incorrect in content and/or should not be in this section for regular plumbing water distribution.  Will be corrected in other revisions to follow.
Section 01 41 00Nov 14, 2013 10:03 AM
 Modified section 01 41 00 to include Environmental Compliance Checklist

Section was modified primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To clarify utility connection application requirements.
  2. To include the Environmental Compliance Checklist requirements.
Section 09 68 10Sep 18, 2013 11:26 AM
 Modified section 09 68 10

Section was updated primarily for the following reason:

  1. Clarify that broadloom carpet is NOT permitted.
  2. Add manufacturer website information.
Section 26 05 26Sep 16, 2013 02:24 PM
 Reworded subsection .01 General in Section 26 05 26 to include 2-hold lug requirement.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Clarify that a 2-hold lug is required for all ground bus installations.
Section 23 05 01Jul 03, 2013 09:16 AM
 Modify subsection .02.A.4 in Section 23 05 01. Remainder of section is unchanged.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

To modify general valve requirements for pipe insulation coordination to add insulated tee-handles for ball valves and preformed insulation kit covers for balancing valves.

Section 23 31 00Jun 25, 2013 02:49 PM
 Modified subsection .01 in Section 23 31 00. Remainder of section is unchanged.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To prohibit the use of cloth-backed, rubber adhesive tape (commonly referred to as "duct tape") as a duct sealant.
  2. To prohibit the use of fibrous/fiberglass duct liner and to define product requirements for option to use flexible elastomeric sheets when needed for acoustic reasons.
Section 23 00 01Jun 20, 2013 11:50 AM
 Modified subsection .01, paragraph 5 in section 23 00 01. Remainder of section is unchanged.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To add requirements that for areas with special pressure relationship requirements that must be properly controlled, the Design Professionals shall include plans in the construction set of drawings showing simplified pressure relationships and tabular summaries of overall air balance for each pressure controlled space and summaries of system airflows.
Section 23 00 10Jun 19, 2013 02:19 PM
 Added new subsection .12 in its entirety in Section 23 00 10

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. Add new subsection defining OPP Laboratory Ventilation System requirements.
Section 23 07 00Jun 19, 2013 01:50 PM
 Deleted the current section and replaced it in its entirety

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To require use of most stringent minimum insulation R-value requirements in current codes and high-performance building standards in lieu of superseded ASHRAE 90.1 - 1999 reference.
  2. To require Corrosion Under Insulation Protection - coating ferrous piping under insulation.
  3. To add cross reference to HVAC duct section to be consistent on fiberglass duct liner policy.
  4. To coordinate optional additional insulation thickness on factory insulated packaged equipment to meet associated system insulation thickness.
  5. Other miscellaneous insulation revisions.
  6. To reorganize section into parts for General Owner, Product, and Execution requirements.
Section 08 00 00May 17, 2013 08:49 AM
 added specific requirements for thermally broken frames and edge spacers

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To add specific requirements for thermally broken frames and edge spacers between panes.
  2. To add certified performance by NFRC.
Section 23 41 00May 16, 2013 05:58 PM
 Added new text to 23 41 00

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. change from old, outdated 30% efficiency rating to the MERV 8 called for by ASHRAE 189.1 High Performance Standard
  2. call for selecting more standardized filter and housing sizes to reduce maintenance costs
  3. call for sealing to prevent bypass pathways (per ASHRAE 189.1)
  4. prohibition of pre-filters with cardboard type frames in airstreams having characteristics that can cause the filter assembly to prematurely collapse
  5. add other general guidelines
Section 25 90 00May 16, 2013 04:51 PM
 Updated the table with a new document

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To emphasize the requirement for design professionals to define all airflow setpoints by moving it to the Notes at the beginning.
  2. To revise the reheat valve, damper and finned tube sequences to improve the stability and reliability of the control operations.
  3. To add chemical treatment subroutines.
  4. To redefine airflow and zone hot water requests.
  5. To redefine some alarming and alarm notification classes.
  6. To fix some formatting problems.
Section 01 78 46Mar 08, 2013 09:48 AM
 Added new subsection "01 78 46 Attic Stock" under section 01 70 00

Section was added primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To add new section to define requirements for coordinating and sepcifying attic stock.
Section 23 34 00Feb 27, 2013 12:14 PM
 Replaced Section 23 34 00 in it's entirety.

Section was updated primarily for the following reasons:

  1. To develop and document General Owner Requirements in order to define basic design intent and selection criteria.
    1. Goal – to provide guidelines to promote and achieve Efficiency and Reliability throughout entire operating range.
    2. To add requirements for limiting allowable fan power which include minimizing system air pressure drops and optimizing selection of efficient fans.
  2. To update the Equipment Requirements for fans, motor and drive components, and accessories to achieve better and more serviceable fan systems.
  3. To develop and document the Execution (Installation, Operatio