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.01 Excavation--Backfill
- Proper placement of all erosion-control facilities shall occur prior to any earthwork activity.
- Puddling will not be permitted.
- All backfill must be mechanically tamped, in layers not to exceed 6 inches in depth, and thoroughly compacted to prevent settlement.
- If blasting is required, refer to standard blasting requirement, Section F.
- Unclassified Excavation:
- All excavation for projects funded by the University will be unclassified and will include (without limitation thereto) the excavation and removal of all soil, shale, rock or rock formations, boulders, existing foundations, fill, and any type of subsurface condition encountered in the contract area.
- No claims for extra compensation or extension of contract time because of the nature of subsurface conditions encountered will be considered by the University.
- General: All excavation shall be to the lines and grades as shown:
- Six inches below finished grades in seeded areas.
- To grades indicated at paved areas minus thickness of base course and surface materials.
- Where new work meets existing, grades shall be adjusted to allow new work to meet and match existing finished grades at paved areas.
- Excavation shall provide sufficient clearance for bracing, shoring, formwork, inspection and installations, as required.
- The bottoms of all excavations shall be trimmed, by hand if necessary, to grades indicated or required.
- The Contractor, at his option, shall make any exploration of the subgrade and areas requiring excavation as he may see fit, at his own cost and expense.
- Prior to starting any excavation, the Contractor shall thoroughly familiarize himself with the location of all existing underground utilities that may be affected by his work.
- All excavation within three feet of any existing underground utility line shall be accomplished by hand labor. Extreme caution shall be used in this area to prevent any damage to existing facilities.
- All underground utilities and/or facilities uncovered or exposed shall be adequately protected by the Contractor, as necessary. Utilities serving existing facilities must not be interrupted until the Contractor has made the necessary arrangements with and received approval from the University.
- All existing topsoil shall be removed to a depth of six inches and stockpiled on the site. All topsoil is the property of the University. Excess topsoil removed and not required for finish grading shall be removed by the Contractor and stockpiled as directed by the University at a location on University property.
- Excavated materials to be used for filling may be stored at the site.
- Excavated materials not required or not suitable for filling or other purposes shall be hauled from the site as excavated and disposed of off University property.
.02 Stockpiling, Furnishing, and Placing Topsoil
Document | Date |
31 20 00 .02 Stockpiling, Furnishing, and Placing Topsoil | August 2022 |
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