22 00 00 PLUMBING
22 00 00 PLUMBING
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22 00 01 Owner General Requirements and Design Intent
.01 Utilities (Refer to Division 33)
.02 Mechanical Rooms
- Comply with Space Planning for Engineered Building System requirements in Introduction.
- Coordinate and comply with other applicable mechanical room requirements as described in 23 00 01.06.
.03 Janitor Rooms
- Coordinate and comply with all applicable Janitor room requirements as described in 23 00 01.06.
.04 Laboratory Equipment
- Where laboratory equipment is shown on the general construction drawings, this equipment shall also be shown on the plumbing drawings. The equipment shall bear the same identification numbers on all sets of drawings.
- The same equipment schedule shall appear on the architectural, and plumbing drawings. This schedule shall give the equipment identification number, equipment description, services required, and the Contractor who is to furnish and install this equipment.
Coordinate and comply with all applicable Operation and Maintenance requirements as described in 23 01 00.
22 05 01 Plumbing General Requirements
.01 Painting
- See Division 9.
.02 Access Panels
- Access panels are required in each situation where items requiring maintenance are located above a concealed ceiling.
- Use screwdriver actuated locks.
- Access panel sizes shall be suitable for application.
- Access panel locations shall be indicated on contract drawings.
- Access panels are not required in lay-in ceilings, but identify appropriate tile with color button, cleated through, located on the adjacent ceiling grid. Use color code of principal service.
.03 Piping
- Piping shall be pitched and valves installed to facilitate complete drainage of the system.
- All piping run within the building shall be run concealed in the finished portions of building in pipe spaces, ceilings or furred chases and exposed only in mechanical rooms and where shown on the drawings.
- No pipe shall pass in front of or interfere with any openings, door or window. Head room in front of openings and doors shall in no case be less than the top of the opening.
- Piping shall not pass exposed through electrical rooms or be erected over any switchboard or other electrical gear.
- Pipe sizes shall be indicated on the plans at each change in direction and at all branch take off locations.
- Provide 2-inch clearance between insulated piping and other obstructions.
- Unions:
- No union shall be placed in a location which will be inaccessible.
- Unions shall be installed adjacent to all equipment for repair and replacement.
- Electrolysis Control:
- Electrolysis control between dissimilar materials shall be achieved through the use of dielectric nipples and a non-dielectric union. Dielectric unions shall be avoided whenever possible.
- Sleeves:
- All pipes passing through wall or floor construction shall be fitted with sleeves. Each sleeve shall extend through its respective floor, wall or partition and shall be cut flush with each surface unless otherwise specified. Sleeves shall be two pipe sizes larger than the pipe when un-insulated and of sufficient size to allow for the insulation without binding. Floor sleeves in mechanical rooms shall extend 4 inches above finished floor, all other spaces minimum one inch above finished floor.
- Sleeves in bearing walls, masonry walls, masonry partitions, and floors shall be standard weight steel pipe finished with smooth edges. For other than masonry partitions, through suspended ceilings and for concealed vertical piping, sleeves shall be No. 22 USG galvanized steel.
- Where pipes pass through waterproofed floor or walls, design of sleeves shall be such that waterproofing can be flashed into and around the sleeves.
- Sleeves through exterior walls below grade shall have the space between pipes and sleeves caulked watertight.
- Install one-piece chrome-plated escutcheon plates with set screw at sleeves for all pipes exposed in finished areas.
- The annular space between sleeves and pipe shall be filled with fiberglass insulation and caulked in non-fire rated situations.
- Where pipes pass through fire-rated floors, walls, or partitions, the use of a UL approved system for through penetrations is required. The annular space around the pipes shall be packed with mineral wool or other noncombustible material and sealed at each exposed edge to maintain the rating of the system in accordance with the through penetration sealant manufacturer's recommendations.
- System and Equipment Drains:
- All piping shall be arranged to completely drain the system. Drain locations shall be located at all system low points.
- Where sectionalizing valves are installed, a drain shall be installed on downstream side of valve to drain that section of the system.
- All cooling tower drains and overflow are to be piped to sanitary system (not onto roof).
- All system and equipment drains are to be piped to a floor drain.
- Welding:
- All welding shall be done in accordance with the AWS.
- All boiler, pressure vessel, and gas piping welding must be done by certified welders as required by applicable codes.
- All welding must be done with portable welding machines.
- Pressure Tests:
- All piping must be tested prior to receiving insulation.
- Test pressures shall be minimum 1 1/2 times system operating pressure or as specified by the Professional.
- Pressure tests must be witnessed and acknowledged in writing by a University representative.
.04 Pipe Specialties (Refer to Division 23)
.05 Piping Systems Disinfection
- Before being placed into service, all new water lines, except those used exclusively as fire lines, shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA standards. Final connections to existing water lines shall not be made until this procedure is completed satisfactorily.
- The University shall be notified at least two weeks in advance of the date and time that the disinfection is to begin. The University shall witness the process.
.06 Piping Systems Testing
- Hydrostatic Testing
- All piping must be tested prior to receiving insulation.
- Prior to filling the systems, all joints and potential leak sources shall be painted with a water-power blue line caulk mixture and allowed to dry.
- During the test each joint shall be visually inspected.
- Test pressures shall be specified by the Professional.
- The University shall be notified at least two weeks in advance of the date and time that the hydrostatic testing is to begin. The University shall witness the testing.
.08 Pressure Gauges and Thermometers
- Gages for general use shall be "Quality" type as manufactured by Marsh Instrument Company or equal. Gauges shall have a 4 1/2 inch diameter dial. In main mechanical room, HVAC Contractor shall provide 6" diameter gauges for all steam pressures and pumped condensate pressure. The Plumbing Contractor shall provide similar gauges for water and air. Gauges shall be calibrated for static head. All gages shall be equipped with shutoff valves and snubbers.
- Siphons shall be used with all steam gages. Also, all gauges shall have gauge cocks or valves suitable for the pressure involved.
- Thermometers for general use shall be stem type with an adjustable bracket. Thermometers shall be organic liquid filled (red) in lieu of mercury filled.
- The scale ongaugess and thermometers shall be read to twice the operating pressure or temperature. The Professional shall specify gage and thermometer ranges.
.09 Valves
- General
- All valves on any one project shall be the product of one manufacturer.
- Valves shall be right handed. Balancing valves shall be a type that can be used for shut-off without disturbing balancing point setting.
- Where possible, valves shall be installed with valve bonnet in an upright position to prevent deterioration or corrosion of bonnet and packing.
- Valve body materials shall be compatible with piping system materials.
- In all applications, use ball valves for shut-off purposes and globe valves for throttling purposes in the bypass line.
- Gate valves may be used for shut-off purposes in large line sizes.
- Ball valves equipped with “characterizing discs” may be used for throttling purposes in lieu of globe valves.
- Pump Valves
- All constant speed circulating pumps shall included a separate shut off valve, balancing valve, and check valve. Triple duty valves are not allowed.
- Triple duty valves or balancing valves shall not be used on pumps equipped with variable speed drives.
- Shutoff Valves
- Isolation shutoff valves shall be installed at each piece of equipment, terminal unit, and each branch takeoff to facilitate shutdown for repair. Positive shutoff balancing valves with memory may satisfy this requirement at terminal units.
- Balancing Valves
- Balancing valves shall be installed in all 3-way control valve bypass lines and at all flow meters.
- Gate valves shall be limited to shutoff service only. Gate valves shall not be used in a throttling application. Globe valves or ball valves shall be used.
- Check Valves
- Where check valves are required, check valves shall be installed on the equipment side of all shutoff valves to facilitate servicing the check valve.
- Drain Valves
- Drain valves shall be a minimum of 3/4" with hose end connection.
.10 Pipe Hangers And Supports
- Provide an adequate pipe suspension system in accordance with the current version of the International Mechanical Code, recognized engineering practices, using standard, commercially accepted pipe hangers and accessories. The use of pipe hooks, chains, or perforated iron for pipe supports will not be accepted.
- Contractor shall submit Data sheets for approval on all pipe hanger items prior to installation.
- All piping shall be arranged to maintain the required pitch and provided for proper expansion and contraction.
- No holes are to be drilled or burned in structural building steel for hanger rod supports.
- Vertical runs of pipe shall be supported with riser clamps made specifically for pipe or for tubing.
- Where concentrated loads of valves and fittings occur, closer spacing may be necessary. Hangers must be installed not more than 12 inches from each change in direction of pipes.
- All hangers for piping shall be provided with a means of vertical adjustment. If adjustment is not incorporated in the hangers, use turnbuckles.
- Provide piping suspension systems with vibration isolation capability as required. For vibration isolation requirements of piping suspension systems, refer to Sound and Vibration Control below.
- Copper clamps and hangers shall be used on copper piping.
.11 Sound and Vibration Control
- Coordinate and comply with all applicable requirements as described in section 23 05 01.04 Sound and Vibration Control.
.12 Mechanical Identification
- Coordinate and comply with all applicable requirements as described in section 23 05 01.05 Mechanical Identification.
.01 Insulation
- Fire Hazard Ratings
- All insulation shall have composite (insulation jacket and adhesive used to adhere the jacket to the insulation) Fire and Smoke Hazard ratings as tested under procedure ASTM E-84, NFPA 225 and UL 723 not exceeding:
- Flame Spread 25
- Smoke Developed 50
- Accessories such as adhesives, mastics, cements, and cloth for fittings shall have the same component ratings as listed above
- Paper laminate jackets shall be permanently fire and smoke resistant. Chemicals used for treating paper in jacket laminates shall not be water soluble and shall be unaffected by water and humidity. The only exceptions to the above are flexible foamed plastic insulation.
- General
- All pipe insulation shall be continuous through walls, partitions, ceiling openings and sleeves where fire and smoke ratings permit such penetration.
- Where pipes pass through fire-rated floors, walls, or partitions, the use of a UL approved system for through penetrations is required. The annular space around the pipes shall be packed with mineral wool or other noncombustible material and sealed at each exposed edge to maintain the rating of the system in accordance with the through penetration sealant manufacturer's recommendations.
- Insulation on all cold surfaces must be applied with a continuous, unbroken vapor seal. Hangers, supports, anchors, etc., that are secured directly to cold surfaces must be adequately insulated and vapor sealed to prevent condensation.
- Edges of vapor barrier insulation at valve stems, instrument wells, unions and other raw edges must be adequately sealed to prevent moisture from penetrating the insulation.
- Insulation Protection Shields:
- Insulation protection shields fabricated from galvanized steel shall be installed at all pipe hangers and supports. Shields shall span an arc of 180°.
- Provide shield lengths and thicknesses as outlined in the latest version of the International Mechanical Code or MSS-SP69.
- Rigid cellular glass insulation, capable of resisting the crushing effect of the hydraulically loaded piping, shall be placed under each shield. Jacketing material shall be wrapped around rigid insulation and adjacent top and butt sections to maintain the jacketing continuity.
- An 18 gauge stainless steel shield shall be installed on insulated piping located on the roof. The shield shall be a minimum length of 36 inches and field located to prevent damage to the insulation while walking over the piping.
- Pipe Insulation
- Insulation systems shall conform to requirements in ASHRAE Standard 90.1-1999.
- In general, refrigerant piping systems shall be insulated with elastomeric pipe insulation.
- In general, all other piping systems shall be insulated with fiberglass piping insulation with an all-service jacket. Fittings, flanges, and valves shall be insulated with fiberglass inserts and premolded polyvinyl jackets.
- Special insulation protection shall be considered for areas subject to abuse, moisture, etc. (i.e. outside, wash down areas).
- Equipment Insulation
- In general, equipment shall be insulated with elastomeric or mineral fiber insulation. All equipment handling a medium below ambient temperature shall be additionally provided with a sealed vapor barrier.
- The following equipment must be insulated to the fullest extent possible. Removable “Hot Cap” insulation must be provided for those items that will require insulation removal for periodic maintenance or inspection. This includes many of the items listed below.
- Steam
- Valves, strainers, pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valves, traps, and condensate receivers/pumps, flash tanks, heat exchangers
- Hot water
- Valves, strainers, pumps, expansion tanks, air eliminators, storage tanks.
- Chilled water
- Pumps, valves, heat exchangers.
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