

.01  General Owner Requirements and Design Intent

  1. General
    1. OPP facility Automation Services (FAS) develops and maintains guideline control sequences of operation and schematics and, in some instances, the associated programming for common controlled mechanical systems and components.
    2. These guide sequences are intended to provide the Designer of the control sequences with a basic guideline of minimum requirements for each type of equipment or system.  The intent is to standardize to the fullest extent practical the control systems sequences, programming, and appearance of the control schematics to achieve greater consistency throughout the University's facilities.
    3. OPP FAS has developed standard programming logic corresponding to these guide sequences for some vendors' products.  The Design Professional and the Control System Contractor shall coordinate and clearly communicate all intended modifications to the written sequences so that associated changes can be made in the standardized programs.

2. Design Professional Requirements - Design Development Phase

    1. The Design Professional shall contact FAS as the mechanical design is being developed to request the most current versions of these guide sequences that would be applicable to the project.
      1. Contact: oppfasconst@psu.edu
    2. The Design Professional shall review and edit all sequences, point lists, and generic schematics provided by the University to adapt them to application-specific requirements.
      1. Proposed modifications shall be proactively coordinated with OPP FAS staff during design phases (prior to major milestone submissions) to allow adequate time for iterative process.
      2. It is not acceptable to submit all modifications without prior FAS involvement just at major milestones submissions and expect OPP FAS to thoroughly review and comment then during a limited design review schedule.
      3. Once finalized versions of the sequences of control, point lists and schematics for all systems are acceptable to FAS, they shall be included on the project Contract Documents.

3. Control System Contractor Requirements:  Pre-BAS Shop Drawing Submittal Phase:

    1. The Control System Contractor (CSC shall contact OPP FAS prior to beginning the development of the detailed design submittals for the control system to set up the BAS Intent Meetings as defined in the OPP BAS Guide Specifications.  Contact Tom Ertsgaard, P.E., tse3@psu.edu
      1. The CSC shall at that time request from OPP FAS any current modifications to the OPP guide sequences and/or associated programming that should be included in the project.  Contact: oppfasconst@psu.edu
      2. Any modifications that would impact the project that would impact the project cost shall be determined and reviewed with the OPP Project Manager.

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