32 90 00 PLANTING
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Vanessa Bierly
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.01 Tree Canopy/Tree Root Protection Zones
- General
- Intent:
- The Pennsylvania State University is committed to tree protection.
- The tree canopy/tree root zones shall be protected during the entire construction process.
- Tree trunks and branches shall not be damaged by equipment and/or workers and tree root protection zones shall be protected from soil compaction, damage by trenching or excessive grade changes, and hazardous materials or waste products.
- Protection of Existing Utilities:
- Prior to any work being performed the Contractor shall insure that all existing utilities within and surrounding the project site have been clearly marked in accordance with the Pennsylvania Underground Utility Line Protection Act, Act 287 as amended by Act 199.
- Submittal:
- Prior to the start of any construction work the Contractor shall submit a Tree Canopy/Tree Root Zone Protection Plan. Development of this plan shall include input from the University Arborist and Project Manager or Assigned Construction Quality Representative. This plan shall be of the entire site showing accurate trunk locations and drip-line dimensions of all trees on the project site, limits of construction, locations of tree canopy/tree root protection zones, and indicating all appropriate protective measures.
- The Contractor shall submit a written guarantee that he/she shall not enter the tree protection zones at any time during construction without first getting approval from the University Representative.
- The Contractor shall verify in writing that all tree protection measures have been met as per the Protection Plan. Compliance with this plan shall be field verified by the University Representative.
- Tree Canopy/Tree Root Protection Zones
- Prior to the start of any site work the contractor will erect fencing around trees which are to be preserved and sensitive tree root zones which are to be protected within the construction site.
- Trees indicated on the plan to remain shall be protected from injury to their branches, trunks, and root zones during the entire construction period. Protection of tree canopy/tree root zones shall be by the placement of temporary fencing as outlined in Part B.1.b – Materials.
- The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all tree protection fencing. Protective fencing shall remain undisturbed until all construction activities have been completed. The Contractor shall remove fencing upon completion of construction.
- If protective fencing is damaged, the Contractor shall immediately execute the necessary repairs to re-establish the protective fencing to original configurations outlined on the Tree Canopy/Tree Root Protection Zone Plan.
- At the conclusion of the project, as tree protection fencing is being removed, the Contractor shall continue to identify and enforce tree canopy/tree root protection zones using temporary measures until final acceptance. The use of these temporary protection methods is only acceptable for a period not to exceed 5 business days. A list of appropriate materials and methods for temporary protection are listed in Part B.1.b – Materials.
- The Contractor shall be held liable for any damages to protected trees and root zones caused by unauthorized intrusions into the protected areas during the construction period. Penalties to be enforced are outline in Part D – Liability.
- Any pruning of trees that may be required during the course of construction shall be performed by the University Arborist and requests for pruning shall be made through the University Representative.
- Erosion control devices shall be installed as per the contract drawings with particular emphasis on preventing silting, erosion, and/or damage within the tree root protection zone.
- Intent:
- Materials
- Equipment and Materials:
- Equipment:
- As selected by the Contractor, except as otherwise indicated, to complete work in a safe manner and to protect all personnel and bystanders involved.
- Materials:
- Protective fencing shall be 6 feet high chain link fence supported by 2 inch diameter galvanized iron posts set to a minimum depth of 2 feet. Posts shall be spaced a minimum of 10 feet on center and a 3 feet wide gate shall be provided to allow maintenance access to the protection zone. Movable fence panels may only be used upon approval from the University Representative.
- An 8 ½” x 11” sign indicating the area as a tree protection zone shall be prominently displayed on each fence panel. Signs may be obtained by contacting the University Representative.
- Temporary protection measures shall be strictly enforced at the conclusion of the project, up until final acceptance. These methods may include, but are not limited to the use of signs, post and wire, or other methods approved by the University Representative.
- Equipment:
- Equipment and Materials:
- Execution
- Scope of work within or around Tree Canopy Protection Zone:
- Trees to be removed that have branches extending into the canopy of trees to be preserved shall be removed under the continuous supervision of an arborist certified through the International Society of Arboriculture and not by a demolition or construction contractor. The Arborist shall remove the tree in a manner that causes no damage to the protected trees and landscape to remain after the construction period.
- Trees to be removed shall be felled so as to fall away from protection zones and to avoid pulling and breaking of roots or branches of trees indicated on remain on the Tree Canopy/Tree Root Protection Zone Plan.
- Any brush clearing required within or around the tree canopy/tree root protection zone shall be accomplished with hand operated equipment.
- The Contractor shall be held liable for damages incurred to any tree branches that extend over protective fencing and to any trees or other plant material located on the site and indicated on the plan to remain. The Contractor shall notify the University Representative when any overhanging branches or other plant material interferes with the construction activity or post potential risks to workers or bystanders.
- If plans and field situations do not match and work must occur closer to any existing tree (s) than planned, the Contractor shall notify the University Representative to evaluate and to determine future viability of the existing tree (s) located within the area of proposed construction or excavation. Final evaluations shall be coordinated with the University Landscape Architect and Arborist to determine if the tree (s) should remain, be relocated, or be removed.
- Scope of work within or around Tree Root Protection Zone:
- Any grading, construction, demolition, or other work that is expected to encounter tree roots shall be made in consultation with the University Arborist.
- Any digging that must occur within the Tree Root Protection Zone must be done with the University Arborist present and must utilize alternative excavation methods including, but not limited to air spading, hand excavation, metal plating or other method approved by the University Arborist.
- Any roots 2 inches in diameter or less that sustain damage during construction shall be exposed to sound tissue and cleanly pruned close to the tree side of the excavation. Clean cuts shall be made at all times. The cutting of tree roots greater than 2 inches in diameter must be approved and supervised by the University Arborist.
- Trees to be removed adjacent to the tree root protection zones shall be cut near ground level and the stump ground out to avoid damaging existing roots by pulling and breaking.
- For those construction projects requiring temporary access or haul roads through the protection zone, a roadbed shall be installed using road plates, Alturnamat, or a PADOT Class IV Geotextile base covered with 6 inches (minimum) of mulch, wood chips or gravel to protect soil and minimize soil compaction. In those cases approval shall be given by the University Representative prior to the start of any construction activities. The roadbed material shall be maintained as necessary to maintain its original state.
- No material shall be stored or piled within the tree root protection zone unless otherwise approved by the University Representative. No gasoline, fuel oil, harmful chemicals or other deleterious materials shall be stored, spilled or deposited on the ground within the tree root protection zone.
- There shall be no vehicular traffic or parking permitted within the tree root protection zone.
- Foot traffic shall be kept to a minimum within the tree root protection zone. If temporary foot traffic must be directed over the tree root protection zone a pathway shall be installed using Alturnamat or a PADOT Class IV Geotextile base covered with 3 inches (minimum) of mulch, wood chips or gravel to protect soil and minimize soil compaction. In those cases approval shall be given by the University Representative prior to the start of any construction activities. The pathway material shall be maintained as necessary to maintain its original state.
- Installation of curbs and sidewalks shall be completed in a manner least damaging to trees and tree root systems. PADOT Class IV Geotextile shall be considered a viable alternative to the specified sub-base in sensitive root zones. When unique site conditions not addressed in the contract documents result in the opportunity for an alternative solution or a potential modification to the plan, the Contractor may present a proposal to the University Representative.
- Any grading, construction, demolition, or other work that is expected to encounter tree roots shall be made in consultation with the University Arborist.
- Scope of work within or around Tree Canopy Protection Zone:
4. Liability:
- The Contractor shall be held liable for any damage to protected trees. A dollar value shall be determined by the University Arborist or certified tree appraiser following criteria outlined in the “Guide of Plant Appraisal” (Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisal, Latest Edition).
- The Contractor shall be held liable for all remedial measures required to treat broken limbs, or damaged trees and roots, or for the unauthorized removal of existing trees or plant material. All remedial treatments will be accomplished by the University Arborist and/or their designee.
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