

.01 Curbs and Gutters
  1. Portland cement concrete curbs and gutters.  The following specifications and standards of the issues listed are to be utilized.
    1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Highways (PennDOT) Specification Form 408, latest edition, as amended herein.
    2. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM).
  2. All Portland cement concrete curb and gutter work shall be constructed in conformance with the latest edition PennDOT Specification Form 408, as amended herein:
    1. Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be a monolithic pour with form or saw contraction joint 3/16" wide and 2" deep.
    2. Concrete curb may be placed with an acceptable, self-propelled machine as approved by the University and in accordance with PennDOT 408, Section 630.3(d).  Comply with all curb and/or curb and gutter profiles and dimensions.
    3. Wood or metal forms may be used at all locations.
    4. Match curb and gutter profiles where new work is an extension or revision of existing.
    5. See Curb Details 2-A and 2-B.  Details are not yet available in WEB-based manual.

.02 Portland Cement Concrete Paving-Section 02520
  1. The following specifications and standards of the issues listed are to be utilized:
    1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408 and Supplements, latest edition, hereinafter referred to as Pub. 408.
    2. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM).
    3. American Concrete Institute (ACI).
    4. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
  2. Before placing aggregate bed for cement concrete paving, check the subgrade and do all necessary grading, rolling, and compacting required to attain a true, even, firm surface.  Fill and consolidate any traces of dented or depressed areas.  Remove all spongy material, replace with suitable earthfill, and compact solidly with roller or mechanical compactors; moisten if required.
  3. Provide a crushed aggregate bed fully choked and rolled to the compacted thickness indicated on the drawings.  Stone aggregate for base course shall be Type C, or better, 2A, and OGS as specified in Pub. 408, Section 703.2.
  4. Cement Concrete:
    1. Furnish Class A cement concrete mixture of Portland Cement, Type IA air-entraining cement, fine aggregate, course aggregate, and water as specified in Pub. 408, Section 704, Table A.
    2. Cement to be air-entrained from an approved manufacturer as listed in Bulletin 15.  Use cement for each project from the same manufacturer.
    3. Cement content shall be a minimum of six (6) 94-lb. bags per cubic yard and a maximum of eight (8) bags per cubic yard.
    4. Fine aggregate (sand) to be Type A.  Do not use fine aggregate produced from limestone in concrete wearing surfaces.  See Pub. 408, Section 703.1, Table A.
    5. Course aggregate to be Type A, No. 57 as specified in Pub. 408, Section 703.2, Tables B, C, and D.
    6. Water for mixing or curing shall be clean and free of all impurities detrimental to the cement concrete.
    7. Concrete reinforcement shall be fibermesh or equal.  Fibermesh materials shall be mixed at the rate of 1.5 lbs. of fiber to 1 cu. yd. concrete.  Mix reinforcement with concrete a minimum of five minutes on the truck.
    8. Cement concrete shall be designed with an entrained air content of 6% in the plastic state with a tolerance of +1.5 percent during the work.  The specification for entrained air is met, if the entrained air in the hardened concrete is not less than 3.5 percent nor greater than 7.5 percent.  Testing for air-entrained cement concrete shall be in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 704.1(c)1.
    9. Cement concrete shall be mixed and transported in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 704.
    10. Slump range at point of delivery shall be 1 inch to 3 inches.  Test concrete for slump in accordance with Pennsylvania Test Methods (PTM) No. 600.
    11. Compressive strength at 28 days shall be a minimum 3300 psi.
    12. Proportions of ingredients shall be determined, and tests shall be conducted, in accordance with basic relationships and procedures outlined in Pub. 408 and Pennsylvania Test Methods (PTM) 601, 604, and 613.
    13. See cement concrete walkway paving detail as shown.  Details are not yet available in WEB-based manual.
  5. Expansion Joints:
    1. Use ¼” thick premolded expansion joint material the specified depth of the concrete slabs along all foundations and walls where slabs abut other fixed structures; longitudinally where sidewalk slab is to be constructed in contact with curb, and adjacent to existing structures as directed.  Expansion joint material may be Isolation-Joint-Filler Strips – ASTM D 1751, asphalt saturated cellulosic fiber, or ASTM D 1752, cork, or self-expanding cork.
    2. Sidewalks shall be constructed with expansion joints placed every 20’ to 35’ to accommodate scoring joint patterns.  Expansion joint material shall be recessed ¼ inch from top of slab to allow for edging and sealants if specified or indicated.  See also plan for scoring joint designs and expansion joint placement.
    3. Where existing and/or new light standards, poles, fire hydrants, access frames and covers to underground utilities, manhole frames and covers, and similar structures are within the limits of the sidewalk areas, the concrete around such structure shall be scored, by edging and/or grooving, in a block 8” wider than the maximum dimensions of the structure at the sidewalk elevation.  Prior to placing the concrete around such structures, premolded expansion joint material shall be placed around the structure to the full depth of the slab.
    4. Unless otherwise directed by the University, a metal edger having a ¼” radius shall be used for edging all joints.  Transverse and longitudinal scoring shall be done in accordance with the drawings and/or directed.  Scoring and control joints shall extend to a depth of at least ¼ of the thickness of the concrete slab.
  6. Forms:
    1. Forms may be metal or wood, securely staked and braced, and constructed to true lines and shapes indicated and extending the full depth of concrete.
    2. Forms shall be oiled if metal or wetted or oiled if wood.  Form oil shall be an approved form coating.  Care shall be taken to prevent reinforcement from becoming coated with form oil.
    3. Forms once used shall be thoroughly cleaned before being reused.
    4. Side forms shall not be removed within 12 hours after the concrete has been placed.  After the removal of forms, minor honeycomb at formed areas shall be filled with mortar composed of 1 part of cement and 2 parts of fine aggregate.  Major honeycomb areas will be considered as defective work, and shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the University.
  7. Placing Concrete:
    1. All concrete work shall conform to referenced and applicable standards and the latest American Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete Practice.
    2. Sidewalk slabs shall be one-course construction of thickness indicated on the drawings - in no case less than a full five (5) inches, unless otherwise specified on the drawings.
    3. Do not increase the quantity of water in the concrete beyond the recommended design limit.
  8. Weather Requirements:
    1. Placement of concrete under extreme weather conditions shall take place only after approval from a University Landscape Architect.
  9. Curing Requirements:
    1. To insure adequate curing, forms for vertical surfaces shall not be removed sooner than 12 hours after casting concrete, unless other approved means are taken to prevent premature drying of the concrete.
    2. All other unformed surfaces shall be protected from premature drying with liquid membrane-forming curing compound clear or white and also with white polyethylene sheeting:
      1. The clear and translucent shall contain a red fugitive dye and conform to AASHTO-M148, Type 1-D.  The white pigmented compounds shall be Type 1-D and Type 2 and certified as specified in Pub. 408, Section 106.03(b) 3.
        • Do not use white membrane-forming curing compounds after September 1 where deicing chemicals will be used the following winter.
      2. White polyethylene sheets shall conform to AASHTO M171 and Pub. 408, Section 711.1.
    3. Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds and polyethylene sheeting shall remain in place for a period of at least 96 hours after casting and finishing operations.
    4. Temperature of the air in contact with concrete surfaces during this curing period shall be maintained at temperatures not lower than 50°F and not higher than 90°F.
  10. Protection and Cleaning:
    1. All finished concrete work shall be protected from damage due to subsequent construction operations.  All concrete work from which traffic cannot be restricted shall be protected by use of approved covering, temporary ramps or walkways.
    2. New construction adjacent to concrete work areas shall be protected from splashing and damage, by protective coverings of waterproof paper, plastic, and/or wood members as required.
  11. Finishing of Concrete Sidewalks:
    1. All cement concrete sidewalk slabs shall be placed to full thickness in one operation without change in proportions, rammed, spaded or vibrated, and screeded to proper grade, wood floated and lightly troweled with a steel trowel.  When the concrete has set sufficiently, the slabs shall be given a coarse stiff bristle broom finish perpendicular to the line of traffic to produce a non-slip surface.  See plan for other finishes.

.03 Exterior Concrete Steps
  1. Steps should be built into the slopes and have a foundation below frost level.  Risers shall have a backslope and treads shall have a 1/4" wash.
  2. A general design formula for establishing size of risers and treads shall be twice the riser plus the tread = 26".  Preferred riser dimensions are 5" minimum and 6" maximum.
  3. Foundation wall at top and bottom of steps shall have a projecting ledge to support pavements.
  4. Where feasible there shall be no fewer than 3 steps and no more than 10 steps per set.
  5. Maintain 3" minimum clearance from edge of steps to outside of drilled hole for handrail installation where required.
  6. Handrails, tread, and riser design shall meet all local and national codes and ADA requirements.
  7. Treads shall have a non-slip finish.
  8. Nosing bars shall not be used in step construction.
  9. See Detail 2-D for additional information.  Details are not yet available in WEB-based manual.

.04 Warm-Mix Asphalt (WMA) Paving-Section 02511
  1. General
    1. Bituminous Concrete Paving:
      1. Standard Specifications:  The following specifications and standards of the issues listed are to be utilized:
        1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Specifications, Publication 408 and Supplements, latest edition, hereinafter referred to as Pub. 408.
        2. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
      2. Scope:  Provide bituminous concrete paving at the areas indicated, including:
        1. Subgrade preparation.
        2. Subbase course.
        3. Bituminous concrete base course.
        4. Bituminous concrete surface course.
        5. Bituminous tack coat.
        6. Class A geotextile.
      3. Regulations:
        1. All work shall conform to all applicable codes, ordinances, and PennDOT regulations.
      4. General Requirements:
        1. Do all rolling with a power roller having weight of at least 10 tons.  Use thorough hand or power tamping to obtain proper compaction of any areas not accessible to the roller.
        2. The Contractor shall patch, repair, and/or replace all bituminous and concrete paving, curbs, and walkways disturbed, damaged, and/or affected by the installation and construction of all work within the contract limits, and any adjacent existing paving, curbs, inlets, or property damaged by the operation of the work for bituminous paving.  All work shall be installed under the requirements of applicable sections as herein specified.
        3. Protect adjacent work and structures from splashing of paving materials.
        4. Protect paving against traffic until surface has properly cured as specified in Pub. 408, Section 409.3(n).
        5. Provide temporary barriers, warning lights, and other protection as necessary.
        6. Bituminous pavement and paving operation shall be in accordance with Pub 408, Section 411.
  2. Products
    1. Materials:
      1. Subgrade Preparation:
        1. The Contractor shall check the subgrade and verify that all conditions of the specifications have been met prior to installing any subbase material.
        2. Provide for all required corrections to the subgrade before proceeding with the work in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 210.
        3. When acceptable subgrade density cannot be achieved or when subgrade displays pronounced elasticity or deformation during rolling or proofrolling, excavate material in the area to a depth that, when replaced and recompacted, the subgrade will have the required stability.  Cutout areas shall be classified as Class-1A excavation in accordance with Pub. 408 Section 203.1 (b) but shall include all areas regardless of width and shall be backfilled using select granular material (2RC) as specified in Pub. 408 Section 703.3.  Backfilling shall be in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 206.
      2. Subbase Course:
        1. Provide a 2A crushed aggregate subbase course laid in courses fully choked and rolled to the compacted thickness indicated on the drawings.
        2. Crushed aggregate subbase course shall be in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 350.
      3. Bituminous Concrete Base Course (WMA):
        1. Provide a base course of WMA, bituminous concrete over specified subbase course, in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 311.
      4. Plant-mixed Bituminous Concrete Surface Courses:
        1. Provide a bituminous concrete surface course in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 411.
        2. Bituminous concrete surface course shall consist of a binder course and a wearing course constructed on specified base courses, as amended to meet details on the drawings.
      5. Bituminous Tack Coat:
        1. Provide a bituminous tack coat over existing bituminous areas to be resurfaced in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 460.
      6. Class A Geotextile:
        1. Provide Class 4 Geotextile in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 212.
      7. Scratch and Leveling Courses:
        1. Provide bituminous scratch and leveling courses as indicated on plans in accordance with Pub 408, Section 411.
      8. Crack Filling / Sealing
        1. Areas indicated to be crack sealed shall have all cracks sealed with CrackMaster Supreme hot pour crack sealant, by SealMaster. Note: Cracks shall not be sealed with AC -20 or similar material.
        2. Cracks shall be cleaned, dried, and free of dust, dirt and debris prior to sealing. Both substrate and air temperature must be above 40F. Seal all joints and cracks ¼” to 1”wide with sealant. See manufacturer’s specifications for additional installation and application notes.
        3. Fill joints and cracks in excess of 1” in width with bituminous wearing course FJ-1, in lieu of sealing.
      9. Pavement Sealing
        1. Pavement areas indicated to be seal-coated shall be sealed with Polymer Modified Masterseal (PMM) hot-pour sealant, by SealMaster.
        2. Surface shall be cleaned, dried, and free of dust, dirt and debris prior to sealing. Both substrate and air temperature must be above 40F Seal all joints and cracks ¼” to 1”wide with sealant
          (see Crack Filling / Sealing) . See manufacturer’s specifications for additional installation and application notes.
  3. Execution
    1. Installation:
      1. Flexible Pavement:
        1. Flexible pavement shall be constructed in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 401.
      2. Milling:
        1. Pavement notches shall be milled where new pavement meets existing pavement.  The notch should be the full depth of the new wearing surface and shall extend 18 inches into the existing wearing surface.  Milling shall be in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 491.
      3. Sealing:
        1. When wearing course is placed adjacent to existing pavement at locations such as paving notches, curbs, lane additions, longitudinal joints, transverse joints, or utility openings, seal joint with joint sealant in accordance with Pub. 408, Section 469.

.05 Stone Beds
  1.  Install stone beds in the following manner:
    1. Remove existing earth and/or sod at location indicated to depth shown/noted on the drawings.
    2. Plastic sheeting shall be 6 mil thick, black polyethylene installed over graded earth subgrade and shall extend 3 inches up the side of the abutting structures.
    3. Install and anchor 2 x 6 pressure-treated lumber, flush with grade at perimeter edge of stone bed.
    4. River stones shall be installed over the plastic sheeting, punctured for drainage, and shall be placed to depth and elevations indicated to level grade and provide neat appearance.  Compact stone fill lightly by tamping and/or rolling to insure against future settlement and voids.
  2. Stone shall be washed river stone varicolored, sized as specified on drawings, similar to mill-run river stone as produced by the Lycoming Silica Sand Company, Montoursville, Pennsylvania, or stone native to the area and approved by the University Landscape Architect.

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