

13 20 10 Classroom Design

.01 General
  1. For General Purpose Classroom and departmentally or college controlled classroom components and requirements refer to  CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS .
  2. Both General Purpose Classrooms and department or college-controlled classrooms may have additional modifications or extras that exceed the minimum requirements.

13 20 15 Bookstore Design

.01 General
  1. The following standards and guidelines shall apply to all new or renovated facilities constructed for Penn State Bookstores.
  2. The right side of the facility, as one enters, should be considered to be the prime selling or retail area.
  3. In no way should the following points of concern be restrictive to the design of the building.  As with any project, points of concern, or the function, must have priority over the form.  In attempting to acknowledge the responsibilities of the Penn State Stores and their ability to operate efficiently, effectively and professionally, these standards have been used and they have proven to be worthy guidelines.

.02 Common Areas
  1. Walls, partitions, mechanical space, utility rooms, and/or bathrooms should represent approximately fourteen percent (14%) of the overall area.

.03 Storage and Office Area
  1. Should represent approximately nineteen percent (19%) of the overall area.

.04 Windows
  1. All windows should be at least 42" off the floor.

.05 Columns
  1. Should be used as minimally as possible.  When used, "I" beams would be preferred whereby electrical and other lines might be run within the column flanges.  Also, when used, a 24 foot grid or span would be preferred.

.06 Floors
  1. Generally, all floors will be poured at ground level and loading should be designed for 125 to 150 psf live load.  Should there be any second level floors poured, they should be designed for 150 psf live load.
  2. The manager's office area is usually raised 8" above the main floor.  The partition between this office area and the main store area should have windows 34" above the floor of the office and 42" above the main floor.

.07 Floor Coverings
  1. There are three specific areas of various floor coverings:
    1. Generally, quarry tile is to be used in the foyers or entry areas.  It is to be slip-resistant tile with abrasive material embedded in the surface, 1/2" thick, and similar or equal to American Olean Tile Company's "grey/pearl."  It should comply with ANSI A137.1 American Standard specifications.
    2. The second type of area would use resilient tile flooring. These areas would include traffic, check-out and textbook area. 
    3. Carpet tiling by approved Penn State manufacturers.
  2. Throughout, where display fixtures will not be against the walls, black vinyl cove base (6") will be used.  This base should be installed after the floor tile, carpet and fixtures have been installed to insure a proper fit.

.08 Entrance Mats and/or Grilles
  1. Each entry vestibule shall have a rigid type grille set in a mat frame in the entrance.  The grille shall be set in a floor recess with a drain and be set on vinyl support cushions.  It shall be set at a proper height to affect cleaning and allow clearance for all doors to swing over same.

.09 Drains
  1. Standard floor drains and tapers thereto should be located in all utility or mechanical rooms, storage areas and, if practical, loading docks.

.10 Loading Docks
  1. Each loading dock should have four (4) molded rubber heavy-duty bumpers and be equipped with load-leveling equipment.

.11 Ceiling Heights
  1. Ceiling heights are preferred to be 10 feet with 9' 6" being considered the minimum.  The office area may be 8" lower, considering it basically to be the same elevation as the retail area.

.12 Ceilings
  1. Standard manufacturers acoustical ceiling in 2' x 4' or 2' x 2' panels, suspended or mounted in a proper manner, per FS-SS-S-118 or Type E as ASTM-E.795.
  2. Panels should be of mineral composition with washable finish, fissured and perforated; flame spread of 25 or less with a smoke developed of 50 or less; reflectance of at least 75%, standard metal suspension as complies with ASTM-C635 requirements in matching white.

.13 Lighting
  1. It is desirable that general lighting be from metal halide, 2 x 4, 3 lamp units with approximately a 4" x 6" honeycomb lens.
  2. Desired lumens would allow 65 foot candles at 32" off the floor throughout.
  3. Special effect lighting as coordinated with the basic store design might very well call for 100 to 300 watt wall-washer, spot or flood lights about the retail area.  These requirements will be provided by the University as required for incorporation with the lighting plans.
  4. All general lighting should be located no closer than 36" from all perimeter walls within the retail area.  This will allow for less conflict with possible wall fixture lighting following the design of the retail area.
  5. A 6' 0" pigtail in "Greenfield," or equal, will be called for upon completion of the store design.  Requirements for these will be located at random about the perimeter of the retail area.  The pigtail will come from a junction box located 88" on center off the floor.  Each should be on a separate circuit, switch controlled from the main panel.  (Fixture lighting will be within the prescribed circuitry load usually single fluorescent lamps.)
  6. Some ceiling lighting, or special units, may be used as night lights.
  7. Emergency lighting should be installed within its own system and circuitry.

.14 Electrical
  1. The main electrical concern will be the service that is required to each check-out and showcase as the store is designed.
  2. Chase or duct should be run in the floor slab whereby it feeds to each location where electrical computer, telephone and security lines may be run.  Each chase (4) should be separate with a combination of Walker Duct #2 an #4, or equal.  The ducts should run from their location to the panel; one running out of one of the ways to the computer in the office before the panel.  Each outlet should be isolated on or in a separate circuit.  Each floor outlet fitting should be in a flush type unit.  Six (6) circuits should be planned for these.
  3. There will be standard outlets also required and a plan for same will be provided by the University as the facility is designed.  Six (6) circuits should be planned for these.
  4. In the receiving area, wire mold with an outlet every two feet will be required; 42" off the floor, flush in the wall.  The location and length of this run will be provided by the University as the facility is designed.  Two (2) circuits should be planned for these.

.15 Vents, Intakes and Exhausts
  1. Generally, accommodations can be made in the wall fixturing for various vents.
  2. When possible, however, consideration for the primary function of the facility should be given credence and such locations should be coordinated in the design of the facility, as well as the building.
  3. Often such vents are better if located 7' 0" off the floor.
  4. Baseboard heating around the perimeter of the retail area should not be considered.

.16 Controls
  1. Controls shall be located within the proper means of the operation, but not at the expense of the main function.
    1. Lighting controls
      1. Generally, lighting should be switch controlled at the entry of the facility.
      2. Additional controls should also be installed by rear entrances for the loading dock and in the receiving area.
      3. Lighting of the wall fixtures (pigtails) should be located at the panel box.
    2. Electrical power controls
      1. The switch controls for each floor outlet should be located at the panel box; and as well, those controlling the various outlets and other mechanical equipment.
    3. HVAC system controls
      1. Controls for the HVAC should be located in the manager's office; however, thermostats should be located about the areas they govern.
      2. Attempts should be made to locate the thermostats so as not to conflict with the wall fixturing of the retail area.  Within furred columns is preferable.
    4. Electrical panel
      1. The main electrical panel should be located in the rear of the storage area, just off the retail area, for quick and easy access thereto.
    5. Fire alarms and extinguishers
      1. Alarms and extinguishers are most certainly essential.
      2. They should be located where the function of the retail area does not restrict their easy access or conflict with being able to find same.
      3. Suggestions for their locations will be provided by the University as the interior design is developed with the basic electrical requirements.

.17 Telephone and Computer Lines
  1. See Office of Telecommunications Minimum Wiring Standard.

.18 Paint and Colors
  1. Painting is required and all aspects as to the proper preparation, prefinishes and the general application should prevail.
  2. Basically, it is essential that all finishes match those existing at other bookstore facilities for the versatility of equipment and decor harmony throughout the Penn State system.
  3. Colors must have the approval of the Penn State Store management prior to use. 

.19 Miscellaneous
  1. Full glass doors at store entrance.
  2. Handicap door hardware.
  3. Security - Motron Detectors Door Contacts - These need conduit installed.
  4. Electrical strip on each office wall and wall behind service counter.
  5. Duplex receptacles every 48" @ 42" above floor in stockroom.
  6. All receiving doors (outside/in) to be double or over head and from receiving to sales area minimum 42" opening.
  7. Employee restroom in any individual Bookstore building must be equipped for handicapped.
  8. Pitched roof with outside gutters preferred with conductors down to storm drain.
  9. Floor drain in receiving area.
  10. Outside water in individual Bookstore building.
  11. Janitor closet with floor drain, hot and cold water fixtures with hose connections.
  12. All Mechanical Room walls must extend to roof deck or slab for security.
  13. Display window with shadow box and locked doors.
  14. All door locks to be Medeco Brand.
  15. Panic Hardware on all exterior doors.

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