33 20 00 WELLS

33 20 00 WELLS

  1. At University Park, the University supplies the University Park Campus, the Research Park, and Mount Nittany Medical Center  with drinking water from deep wells located on University property near campus. These wells produce very high quality water at pumping rates from 200 gpm to 1,200 gpm per well. The University considers these wells a valuable resource that must be protected.  In addition, the University Park water withdrawal is regulated by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) and its rules and regulations.  All well drilling activity shall comply with SRBC regulations.  Any questions regarding SRBC requirements and applicability, please contact Engineering Services’ Utility System Engineer – Water.  All contact with SRBC must be performed by the Utility System Engineer – Water.
  2. In addition to SRBC regulations, potable water production is regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP).  Any questions regarding PA DEP requirements and applicability, please contact Engineering Services’ Utility System Engineer – Water.  All contact with PA DEP must be performed by the Utility System Engineer – Water.
  3. The Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) requires obtaining a Borehole Permit for drilling and the abandonment of wells.  A permit needs to be obtained prior to any drilling of wells or closure of wells.
  4. In keeping with its focus on environmental stewardship, the University considers groundwater a valuable resource that must be protected at all locations, not just those where groundwater is used for potable water services.
  5. Any project that is considering geothermal, production, test or monitoring wells, or the abandonment of wells shall meet the following:
    1. The Project shall retain a registered professional geologist during the early planning phase to determine the feasibility of installing geothermal wells, and set preliminary limitations on wells drilled within the project area.  The geologist should contact the Utility System Engineer – Water regarding the University’s Source Water Protection Plan and the applicable well head protection areas.
    2. If geothermal wells are feasible, the Project shall have a Drilling Plan prepared by a registered professional geologist.
    3. No drilling shall be performed until this Plan is approved by Engineering Services.
    4. All drilling shall be performed under the direction of a registered professional geologist.
    5. The Plan shall include but not limited to the following as a minimum:
      1. Details of the exploratory and finished wells.
        1. Number proposed
        2. Proposed location
        3. Proposed depth
        4. Proposed construction: The Plan must address how the drilling contractor will deal with conditions such as lost circulation during drilling and loss of grout during the grouting operation.
        5. Material used in the construction and chemical composition of all material used in the well.
      2. Name and contact information for the drilling contractor.
      3. Proposed dates of drilling.
      4. Name and contact information of the geologist representative that will be on site during drilling.
      5. All open drill holes shall be equipped with a locking cap.
      6. Abandonment Plan for test wells in the event geothermal wells are deemed to be infeasible.
    6. Upon completion of the drilling, drilling logs for each well shall be provided to Engineering Services in electronic format. The drilling log shall include the following information:  description of geologic material encountered (limestone, dolomite, etc.), depth to competent bedrock, static water level, depth and flow rate of water bearing zones, depth interval of voids or significant fracture zones, depth interval and diameter of boreholes, and casings (both inside and outside) information including elevation at top of casing, length of casing installed, material of construction, diameter, and thickness.
    7. If an exploratory/test well is completed, the results shall be provided to Engineering Services along with any changes to the approved Drilling Plan resulting from data collected from the test well.

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