

.01 Gas
  1. Characteristics
    1. Underground natural gas systems at University locations may be owned and operated by either the University, or by the local natural gas distribution company.  At some locations, both conditions may exist. 
    2. University owned gas piping network on University Park Campus is carried at 5 psi.  Gas is natural with heating value at 1050 btu/cu. ft.  Parts of the system owned by Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania will be carried at 35-50 psi.
    3. At all locations consult with Engineering Services for gas system ownership and procedures to be followed.
    4. High Pressure Gas Line (HPGL)

                        a. A High Pressure Gas line owned by Columbia Gas exists through the University Park Campus.  Extreme caution shall be exercised when working around it.

                         b. The route of the HPGL is depicted on the drawing at the following link. The drawing and the notes included on it are incorporated by reference into these specifications.

Columbia Gas Line Routing Map

  1. Distribution Systems
    1. Piping
      1. All underground pipeline installations will be in accordance with the U.S Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Pipeline Safety Regulations Part 192, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards and the International Fuel Gas Code.
      2. All contractors installing underground pipelines must be certified under the Pipeline Safety Regulations Part 192 and will provide copies of the certification to the University.
      3. The design professional will provide gas loads and pressure requirements to Engineering Services for meter and regulator sizing.  The meter and regulator will be provided by the University and the contractor will perform the installation.
      4. The piping material to be used will be determined by Engineering Services.
      5. When it is determined in a project that a pipeline owned by the local gas distribution company will be within the contract limits of that project a site utility drawing will be provided to the company for review and comment.
DocumentVersion DateDescription
Columbia Gas Line Routing MapJanuary 15, 2015 

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