Division 00 - Procurement and Contracting Requirements


The Pennsylvania State University endeavors to provide a safe and healthy environment for all students, employees and visitors. Likewise, the University seeks to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment on all construction job sites. This program establishes a framework of safety and health requirements that must be met during all phases of construction activities at the University. Please direct any questions or comments to Tyler Rydbom @ tyler.rydbom@psu.edu.

Version Date

Contractor Safety Requirements

05/03/2023Safety Requirements



These specifications are provided for insertion into the Project Manual of all bid projects.  For projects bidding under the Form of Agreement 1-C, the design Professional must include the entire document (Sections A-H). In some of the Sections, project specific selections are required; instructions are contained within the document. These selections should be discussed with the Project Manager. Section C and Section D are sample contract documents and should not be edited.  The “sample” contract should be included in the Specifications.  The Professional is responsible for coordinating the information in these documents with their own specifications. For Construction Manager (CM) bid projects, the CM must include Section A and Section B at a minimum.  Other Sections are to be included and should be modified to read as the CM is holding the contract for each trade.  The CM is responsible for coordinating the information in these documents with their own specifications.


Version Date

e-Section AOctober 2023Notice to Bidders for web-based, electronic bids.
Section COctober 2023Form of Agreement 1-C (sample)
Section D  October 2023General Conditions of the Contract
Section D1October 2001Notification of Contract Requirements Pertaining to the Prevailing Wage Act
Section EOctober 2001List of Drawings
Section F (UP)  October 2023General Conduct of the Work and Special Requirements for University Park
Section F (non-UP)April 2019General Conduct of the Work and Special Requirements the Commonwealth Campuses
Section F - (HMC)July 2018General Conduct of the Work and Special Requirements for the Hershey Medical Center
e-Section GApril 2020Basis of Bids for web-based, electronic bids.
Section HOctober 2001Scope of Work
MBE-WBE Exhibit AJuly 2017DBE Contractor / Supplier Utilization Form


These specifications are provided for insertion into the Project Manual of all bid projects. The design Professional must include the entire document (all sections in the table below). In some of the sections you will be required to make some project specific selections, instructions are contained within the document. These selections should be discussed with the Project Manager. Sections C and D (also the CM General Conditions) are samples provided for your information and should not be edited. Your Project Manager will provide a clean copy of section D (General Conditions) to you for incorporation into the specifications. You should include the "sample" contract in the specifications. The Professional is also responsible for coordinating the information in these documents with their own specifications.


Version Date

e-Section AOctober 2023Notice to Bidders for web-based, electronic bids.
Section C (DGS)October 2023Form of Agreement 1-C (sample)
Section D (DGS) October 2023General Conditions of the Contract
Section D1October 2001Notification of Contract Requirements Pertaining to the Prevailing Wage Act
Section EOctober 2001List of Drawings
Section F (UP)  October 2023General Conduct of the Work and Special Requirements for University Park
Section F (non-UP)April 2019General Conduct of the Work and Special Requirements for the Commonwealth Campuses
Section F - (HMC)May 2011General Conduct of the Work and Special Requirements for Hershey Medical Center
e-Section GApril 2020Basis of Bids for web-based, electronic bids.
Section HOctober 2001Scope of Work
DGS Section INovember 2012Small Diverse Business Requirements
DGS SDBURNovember 2017SDBUR - Small Diverse Business Utilization Report
DGS Section JFebruary 2022Worker Protection and Investment Certification Form
DGS-SGCFebruary 2005Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract
DGS Schedule 20May 2020Environmental Statement, State Law, and Federal Law.


This section contains information and documents that pertain to projects utilizing Online Bidding(2-C).
2-C Contract (e-Builder)October 2023Form of Agreement (2-C) used when bidding via e-Builder.
2-C Project Request Form (e-Builder)March 2023

Form for Project Leader or Professional to complete in order to advertise projects for online bidding via e-Builder. Completed UP forms shall be submitted to jgw124@psu.edu and mlb24@psu.edu. Complete CS forms shall be submitted to rae12@psu.edu.

2-C Addendum Template (e-Builder)March 2019Addendum Template - Completed UP addenda shall be submitted to jgw124@psu.edu and mlb24@psu.edu. Complete CS forms shall be submitted to rae12@psu.edu. All text within addenda needs to be converted to black font and saved in pdf format prior to submission.
Version Date


This section contains information and documents that pertain to projects that utilize JOC.

DocumentVersion DateDescription
JOC Process for PL'sSeptember 2017Instructions on JOC process for Project Leader
JOC Sole Source Justification Form - PDFApril 2015Completed forms shall be submitted to jgw124@psu.edu
JOC Emergency Restoration Guidelines
Guidelines for JOC Emergency Restoration Program and Contractor contact info
JOC Proposal Review InstructionsApril 2019The processes outlined in this document shall be used for all JOC proposal reviews
JOC Joint Scope/Pre-Bid Meeting Topics
Topics/Outline for Joint Scope/Pre-Bid Meeting

00 30 00 JOB KIT

.01 Job Conference Guide

Version Date
Initial Job Conference GuideDecember 2010This interactive guide serves only to highlight certain contract administration requirements. This online guide contains links to all of the job kit documents (below).

.02 Forms for Job Conference

Version Date
Job Conference Sign-in SheetDecember 2007Use this form to log the attendees of the job conference
Job Conference Meeting Minutes FormJanuary 2012

.03 Prevailing Wage (Payroll)

Version Date
Weekly Payroll Certification Forms

No Work ReportJuly 15, 2003   

.04 Payment Application

.05 Change Order

Version Date
Change Order Summary and Cost Breakdown FormJuly 18, 2024The new change order breakdown form and revised change order language will be effective on contracts executed after November 1st, 2023. The new breakdown form and language modernizes the overall change order process, aligns the University with peer institutions, and creates efficiencies/time savings.
Change Order Summary and Cost Breakdown FormsJuly 2005
Tax Exempt ItemsJuly 15, 2005
ACT 45 Exemption Carve-OutJanuary 2, 2003  

.06 Forms and Certificates

.07 Stormwater Information

Version Date
Penn State Stormwater Publications and Training DocumentsVariousResources for Stormwater Management information and Spill Control.

.08 Close-Out


The documents in this section are provided for use during the project design and construction processes. They are Penn State’s preferred format and we recommend you copy and use them for projects on our campuses.



AddendaJuly 2002This Word document contains the content and format that Penn State expects the Professional to use when issuing Addenda.
e-Addenda TemplateFebruary 2019This Word document contains the content and format for Addenda issued via electronic bidding.
Bid Request Web FormMarch 2023This Excel is used to request advertisement of a project on the Office of Physical Plant web site. Penn State Project Leaders are to use this Form to initiate online bidding via e-Builder.
Project Web Form-Additional PagesJune 2018This is a supplement to the Bid Request Web Form. It is used only when the number of Bid Packages exceeds the number of spaces on the Bid Request Web Form.
Prevailing Wage Request FormMarch 2012The Project Leader, Professional, or Construction Manager shall use this Form to request Pennsylvania prevailing wages for construction projects where the estimated project cost is at least $25,000.
Bid Tab (blank)February 2015This Excel template is used to assist the Professional in preparing the Bid Tab for any Penn State project. The Bid Tab will indicate Expected Bidders, Base Bid, and other information per Section B (Form of Proposal) of the Project Manual.
Consent of Owner to Use of ContingencyApril 2002This form is to be completed by Construction Managers and approved by Project Managers before use of any contingency funds.
Job Conference Meeting MinutesJanuary 2014This word document contains the content and format that Penn State expects the Professional to use to record Job Conference minutes.
Utility Interruption Notification FormNovember 2007This is a sample form utilized to inform and receive approval from our customers that they will be without certain utilities, Life Safety Systems, or a reduction/outage of HVAC System, due to our technicians performing work to resolve the problem.
Contractor Spill Reporting and Fuel HandlingAugust 20, 2014Fuel handling Practices, Spill response, and Responsibilities for Contractors.


Version Date
Title V New Emission Source Information July 2003The University's Title V permit requires all new emission sources installed be tracked, "permitted" and reported.  The professional must provide the information requested as it becomes available (starting with the design process).
Design Phase DeliverablesSeptember 2011Minimum requirements for documents submitted to the University for Owner Review.
Load Determination FormOctober 2014The Professional shall complete this form for all projects that involve new buildings, major renovations, new electrical services or electrical service upgrades.  It is used to inform the University of the impact to the distribution system capacity and the building or facility's distribution system.
Penn State Capital Projects Guidebook July 2017

The purpose of the Project Delivery System (PDS) is to provide project requirement details necessary for developing and executing Penn State University new construction or renovation projects greater than $5,000,000.

Capital Project Delivery System Overview Diagram & Phase Deliverables Charts July 2017The Penn State Project Delivery System Stage Gate Process is based on a high-level segmentation and sequencing of Project activities – stages separated by decision points – in order to guide Project activities and gather information for sound management decisions.
Environmental Systems Criteria Matrix

November 2010,
last review July 2019

Mechanical Systems; space performance criteria for Environmental Systems.  This is a Requirement in the Design Phase Deliverables document, to be first Submitted as an "initial Draft" during the Schematic Design Phase for HVAC.


The following documents are examples of Owner-Professional agreements that Penn State will enter into with Professionals to perform design work for them. The agreement contains the rights and responsibilities of the parties. These are sample documents, for reference only. The actual agreement will be provided and completed by the Design and Construction division.

Version Date

Form of Agreement 1-P (sample)

July 2022Revised version of 1-P with new reimbursable language. (EFFECTIVE July 1st, 2022)
Form of Agreement 1-S (sample)July 2022Revised version of 1-S with new reimbursable language. (EFFECTIVE July 1st, 2022)
AE Sole Source JustificationMay 2023Sole Source Justification form for Architects/Engineering Agreements.



Version Date

1-CM-GMP General ConditionsOctober 2023General Conditions of the 1-CM-GMP agreement.
Form of Agreement 1-CM-GMPOctober 2023(sample)
Form of Agreement 1-CM-AOctober 2023(sample)



00 55 01 Contractor Performance Evaluation

Version Date
Contractor Evaluation FormJanuary 2008
Contractor Evaluation InstructionsJanuary 2008

00 55 02 Professional Performance Evaluation

Version Date
AE Professional Evaluation FormJanuary 2008
AE Professional Evaluation InstructionsJanuary 2008

00 56 00 BIM Execution Planning

OPP BIM Contract AddendumOctober 2017Standard OPP BIM Contract addendum for new construction and major renovations.
BIM Project Execution PlanMay 2018This template is a tool that is provided to assist in the development of a BIM project execution plan as required per contract.  It was adapted from the buildingSMART allianceTM (bSa) Project "BIM Project Execution Planning"  as developed by the Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) Research Group of the Pennsylvania State University.
BIM Information Exchanges - LOD MatrixMarch 2012This worksheet is a guide for the project team to define model creation scope of work and model level of development.

Page Navigation

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