


.01 General Requirements and Design Intent
  1. Summary: Section includes basic design requirements for hydronic heating and cooling systems in HVAC applications.
  2. General:  Professional shall design each hydronic system for optimal operating efficiency throughout capacity range, reliability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance with the lowest life cycle cost.
    1. Comply with 23 00 01 Owner General Requirements and Design Intent.
    2. ASHRAE/IESNA Compliance:  Comply with applicable high-performance building requirements in ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 or ASHRAE 189.1 per 01 81 13 Sustainable Design Requirements.
    3. Follow the Hydronic Heating and Cooling System Design guidelines in current edition in current edition of ASHRAE Systems and Equipment Handbook.
    4. Strive to keep systems simple to understand and operate.
  3. Systems Design Criteria:
    1. Design for low flow, high temperature differences and variable flow distribution systems to minimize pump energy.
    2. Selection of cooling coils in typical HVAC applications is recommended with a minimum 14-16°F rise at peak conditions.
    3. Terminals shall be “right-sized” for both part load and partial load performance.
    4. Minimum full load design flow at any terminal device shall not be less than 0.5 gpm for effective flow measurement and heat transfer.
  4. Shut-Off Valves:  Design and indicate positive shut-off valves throughout the distribution piping system to facilitate shutdown and draining of smallest segment as practical for repairs while keeping the rest of the system operational.
    1. Clearly show locations of all shut-off valves on construction drawings to be able to properly isolate the systems for service.
    2. Locations:  Shutoff valves shall be installed at:
      1. All locations required by the current building Mechanical Code.
      2. Each piece of central or terminal equipment.  All valves shall be installed such that valve remains in service without shutting down system when downstream piping or equipment is removed for service, alterations or repairs.  Provide arrangement of unions or flanges and removable sections of pipe at final equipment connections to allow easy dismantling and pulling of associated equipment past remaining pipe assemblies without cutting pipe or breaking sweat or press-joint fitting connections.
      3. Secondary / tertiary loops off of primary/secondary piping systems.
      4. Pipe mains at points exiting mechanical rooms, located accessibly within the mechanical room.
      5. Any pipes at points exiting the building or running under slab or underground, located accessibly within the building interior.
      6. Base of each riser.
      7. Each horizontal branch takeoff of each riser.
      8. Each branch takeoff serving groups of multiple terminals arranged to create hydronic modules to achieve strategically divided sections that can be isolated for service, modifications, and troubleshooting while the rest of system can remain in service.
      9. Main or branch strainers or filters (on entering and leaving sides to allow for pulling screen).
      10. Any thermal control zone, (i.e. perimeter finned tube zones controlled by exterior orientation0).
      11. Any 3 valve bypass around devices as required maintaining continuous flow for critical applications while servicing device.
      12. Tees for future connections.  Review with OPP – in some cases valves might be unnecessary and/or undesirable.
      13. Pipe expansion compensating devices that would otherwise require extraordinary effort for system shutdown and drainage to be able to service or replace.  Review with OPP.
    3. Refer to section on Shut-Off Valves for types.
  5. Bypasses:
    1. Three valve bypasses shall be installed around control valves and pressure-reducing stations serving critical areas. Areas deemed to be critical shall be reviewed with the Project Manager. No other equipment is to be provided with a bypass unless approved by the Project Manager.
    2. In all applications, use ball valves for shut-off purposes and globe valves for throttling purposes in the bypass line.
    3. Gate valves may be used for shut-off purposes in large line sizes.
    4. Ball valves equipped with “characterizing discs” may be used for throttling purposes in lieu of globe valves.
  6. Freeze Protection:
    1. Hydronic systems subject to freezing conditions shall be protected with separate piping loops with antifreeze solution, heat exchangers, pumps, expansion tanks, as required to prevent freezing in the event of extended electrical power outage and to minimize and isolate portions of systems requiring antifreeze from the main hot and chilled water loops.
    2. Glycol anti-freeze systems shall be considered when outside air at a temperature below 20 degrees exceeds 50% of the total air stream.  However, the professional shall not specify Glycol systems until specifically approved by the University.
    3. See 23 25 00 for more information. 

.02 Flow Balance and Differential Pressure Control 
  1. General:  Professional shall design the layout and components of each hydronic distribution system to deliver the specified comfort level using minimal energy with optimal operating stability, serviceability, and future flexibility with the lowest life cycle cost.
    1. To enable systematic balancing with absolute minimum pressure drop result, distribution piping must be subdivided into hydronic modules within a hierarchical tree.
    2. At any node between multiple units, consider the direction of the larger flow and place a flow balancing / DP control device on the lower flow side.
    3. Do not use multiple self-regulating DP controllers in series. For example, do not use a DP controller at a main, riser, or branch and then also use a pressure independent control valve at individual terminals.
  2. Isolation and Flow Measurement:
    1. General:  In all hydronic systems, provide combination positive drip-tight shut-off and precision flow measuring devices at heat transfer terminals as required for service isolation and means to quickly, conveniently and accurately measure flow.
      1. Combination shut-off/balancing valve shall provide multi-turn 360° adjustment with precise position indicators located on the ergonomically designed handwheel.  Valves shall have a minimum of four full 360° handwheel turns.  Valve handle shall have hidden memory feature, which will provide a means for locking the valve position after the system is balanced.  Valves shall have P/T ports for connecting standard differential pressure meter, extended type as required to be accessible without having to remove primary finished insulation.  90° 'curcuit-setter' style ball valves are not acceptable.
      2. Optional:  Provide manufacturer's optional insulation covers with a flame spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke development rating of 50 or less.  Coordinate installation with piping insulation installer to ensure that complete vapor barrier is maintained on systems operating below ambient dew point.
      3. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations of upstream and downstream pipe diameters from any fitting.  Install with flow in the direction of the arrow on the valve body.  Locate with easy and unobstructed view and access to the valve handwheel, position indicator, and metering ports for adjustment and measurement.  Mounting of valve in piping must prevent sediment build-up in metering ports.
      4. Acceptable Manfacturers:
        1. Armstrong CBV
        2. Tour Andersson STA series
    2. Constant flow applications:
      1. Generally use only for smallest systems (under 300,000 Btu/h output capacity) – verify and conform to most stringent of current Energy Conservation Code, ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE 189.1 High Performance Building Standard.
        1. Exceptions:  Limited modifications to existing systems.  Review with OPP.
      2. The Isolation/balance valves shall be:
        1. Throttled as little as possible.
        2. Always fully open at terminals at ends of hydronic modules.
      3. Consider potential for future conversion to variable flow systems if part of a larger facility.  Include provisions for main, riser or branch Adjustable Self-acting Differential Pressure Controllers as discussed in variable flow systems below.
    3. Variable flow applications:
      1. Generally use on most systems to minimize energy usage.
      2. The Isolation/balance valves are intended primarily for isolation and flow diagnostics. They shall be:
        1. Fully open, except for very minor balancing of a group of terminals in a balancing “module” downstream of a shared dynamic pressure independent control device.
        2. Always fully open at terminals at ends of hydronic modules.
        3. Used on individual coil modules in stacked coil configurations for flow equalization to each coil.  One in common to all the coils is not required for total flow measurement.
  3. Differential Pressure Control:  Maintain differential pressure within acceptable range to achieve stable operation of automatic control valves in most energy-efficient and lowest-life cycle cost effective manner.
    1. Control valves of circuits subject to high pressure differentials and thus susceptible to overflow will tend to short cycle.  This dramatically reduces their actuator life.  Therefore differential pressure across control valves must not vary too much.
    2. Avoid cavitation:  Ensure control valves are selected to avoid cavitation due to combination of low static pressure in the system, large pressure drop across valve, high fluid temperature and/or poor valve design.
      1. Cavitation causes vibrations in the valve, wears down cone and valve seat in a very short time.
      2. Rule of thumb to prevent cavitation at control valves:  Static pressure at valve inlet > 2 times pressure drop across control valve.
    3. Maintain superior control valve authority range for stable operation, close temperature control, and actuator longevity.
      1. Control valve authority:  a ratio that indicates the relationship of the pressure drop of the fully open control valve at design flow vs. the overall differential pressure in the system at that point with the control valve fully shut.  Its value indicates how effectively the control valve can reduce the flow while it is closing.  The lower the authority, the larger the pressure differential variations on the control valve and the larger the distortion of the valve control characteristics.
        1. In a variable flow distribution, the authority of the control valve is variable.  Therefore dynamic differential pressure stabilization may be required depending on the system operating characteristics.
        2. Evaluate differential pressures throughout hydronic system between minimum and maximum operating ranges. To achieve good control performance, select control valve and DP control device to ensure design control valve authority of at greater than or equal to 0.5, and minimum authority of at no less than 0.25.
    4. Strategically locate self-regulating differential pressure controllers throughout distribution system, only as needed, to stabilize wide variations in differential pressure.  Determine the most cost effective combination that will ensure recommended control valve authority at all operating conditions. Depending on size and complexity of system, various pressure independent control components may be applied:
      1. On large mains or risers (greater than approximately 220 gpm):
        1. Adjustable Self-acting Differential Pressure Controller: Similar to:
          1. Tour Andersson DA 50 Series
        2. Combine with manual balance valves for terminals downstream.
      2. On Branches serving multiple similar terminals (up to total of approximately 220 gpm):
        1. Adjustable Self-acting Differential Pressure Controller:  Similar to:
          1. Flow Design DA516
          2. Tour Andersson DA516
        2. Combine with manual balance valves for terminals downstream.
      3. On smaller individual terminals (up to approximately 100 gpm, 2” and under):
        1. Pressure Independent Characterized Control Valves (PICCV).
          1. For specifications and acceptable manufacturers, see Div 25 - Building Automation Systems (BAS)  Guidespec. 
          2. For selection criteria, see Div 25 -  Pressure Independent Control Valve Selection 
          3. These combination valves are more costly than regular characterized control valves and are not needed at the more hydraulically remote parts of system.  Use them strategically only as needed to maintain control authority criteria based on careful analysis of anticipated pressure differentials throughout the system.
          4. Control valves must be characterized ball type.  Globe style control valves are not permitted.
      4. On larger individual terminals (greater than approximately 100 gpm):
        1. Adjustable Self-acting Differential Pressure Controller same as above for DP stabilization, with separate regular characterized control valve.  See Div 25 Building Automation Systems (BAS) Guidespec for control valve. 
        2. No more than 2 paralleled PICCVs (for up to approximately 200 gpm).  Or,
        3. Medium or Large Pressure Independent Control valves with internal mechanical pressure regulator in addition to the characterized disk control valve.  Similar to:
          1. Flow Control Industries, DeltaPValve.
          2. These combination valves are more costly than regular characterized control valves and are not needed at the more hydraulically remote parts of system.  Use them strategically only as needed to maintain control authority criteria based on careful analysis of anticipated pressure differentials throughout the system.
        4. Valves using flow sensors controls to reposition the characterized ball or disk without a mechanical pressure regulator are not acceptable.
  4. Maintain proper balance of flows in primary (production) loops vs. secondary (distribution) loops.
    1. Correct Method:  When using primary/secondary pumping, ALWAYS ensure secondary loops are designed, balanced and controlled to have less flow than primary to avoid mixing of secondary return with primary supply and thus secondary supply temperature degradation.
    2. Ineffective methods:
      1. Increasing secondary flow beyond primary only increases the flow imbalance and therefore mixing worsens making the condition worse.
      2. Producing colder primary chilled water or warmer hot water can compensate only a little but at a higher energy cost.  Mixing will still occur, only shifted slightly.
  5. Miscellaneous Coordination:
    1. Minimize pump energy with Optimized pump DP reset based on terminal heating/cooling requests.  Coordinate with BAS sequence of operations.
      1. Locate system remote DP sensor on the most probable index branch/circuit, prior to any self-regulating DP controller or PICCV.
      2. Never place remote DP sensor for pump speed control downstream of any self-regulating DP controllers or PICCVs in the system.
    2. Ensure each control valve/actuator combination has sufficient close-off pressure rating for application within distribution system.

.03  Air and Dirt Elimination 
  1. All closed loop hydronic systems shall have effective means for elimination of air and dirt that are safe and convenient to access and service.

  2. Primary air eliminator shall be located at the point of lowest solubility in the system main, that being where the pressure is the lowest (on suction side of main pumps) and the temperature is the highest.

  3. Primary dirt separation on discharge side of main pumps is best.  That will allow constant blow down through a side-stream bag filter using pump pressure.

  4. For primary air eliminator and dirt separator, refer to 23 21 13 Hydronic Piping.

  5. Manual vents shall be installed at high points to remove all air trapped during initial operation. Manual vents are standard but automatic vents will be considered in special situations and locations.  Shutoff valves should be installed on any automatic air removal device to allow servicing without draining the system.  Where vent location is high or otherwise inaccessible, install valve at vent chamber, then extend 3/8" tubing to nearest janitor sink or mechanical room floor drain and terminate with ball valve.

  6. If pumps and primary air/dirt eliminators are not at the bottom of the system, provide additional dirt separator(s) as required to collect and remove sediment at the bottom of the system.

  7. System Cleaning and Flushing Bypass assemblies:

    1. Provide bypass valve and piping assemblies at all central plant heating and cooling sources and at all distribution terminal units.  The purpose is to be able to isolate all equipment and bypass around it to prevent circulating dirt through equipment strainers, control valves or heat transfer surfaces while performing main piping system cleaning and flushing.

    2. Bypasses shall be of adequate size to achieve the minimum velocities required to effectively clean and flush system mains and branches out to each piece of equipment.

    3. Provide bypasses at ends of main risers and branches as required on new or existing systems to achieve the minimum velocities required to effectively clean and flush system main risers and branches without having to rely on flows through small runout branches.

.04 Hydronic Plant Design
  1. Makeup Water Systems:
    1. Use automatic makeup assembly to maintain positive pressure at the highest point of at least 4 psig for system operating temperatures up to 210°F.
      1. Exception:  Cold water make-up piping is not to be directly connected to any system that utilizes glycol.  Refer to 23 25 00 HVAC WATER TREATMENT for mix and fill tank assembly for automatic makeup in lieu of direct makeup water connections on glycol systems. 
    2. Reduced pressure principal back flow preventers shall be installed on all make-up water lines.
    3. Make-up water connection shall be located along with the expansion tank at the point of no pressure change and pumps shall pump away from that point.  Keep pressure drop low between pump suction and make-up water/expansion tank connection location.
    4. Install water meter on makeup water lines.  Tracking makeup water use is needed to correctly maintain chemical levels and to detect leaks.  If project budget   permits, the meter should include transmitter and be connected to the building BAS / campus CCS system to monitor readings and alarm abnormal conditions.
  2. Primary Heating and Cooling Production Equipment:
    1. Ensure primary production equipment is circuited and piping system is arranged to achieve maximum efficiency.
    2. Ensure the manufacturer’s recommended range of water flow through equipment is maintained.
    3. Connect piping so that all return water and any water from a bypass are thoroughly mixed before any of the water enters production equipment.  After the tee, there should be at least 10 pipe diameters to the nearest unit. This is to help avoid the possibility of having stratification in the primary return line, which can lead to unmixed water to the nearest unit. This can lead to control cycling.
    4. Arrange piping such that all production equipment obtains equal return water temperature.
      1. Exception:  in systems where “backloading” or “preferential” loading of chillers is advantageous by design to maximize the operating performance of different types of chillers.
  3. Pumping Arrangement and Configuration:
    1. General:  Refer to 23 21 23 HVAC Pumps.
    2. Chilled and Condenser Water Systems:
      1. In general, arrange pump assemblies to pump into chilled water heat exchangers, chiller evaporators, and condenser bundles.
      2. Locating the chilled water pump and associated air separator on the building chilled water return provides the warmest temperature along with the lowest pressure for most effective air removal.  This location also helps to minimize potential pump cavitation problems resulting from pressure buildups in fouled strainers or heat exchangers.
    3. Hot Water Systems:
      1. In general, arrange pump assemblies to pump away from low pressure, low temperature heating sources (low pressure boilers or gasketed-plate water to water heat exchangers).
      2. Locating the hot water pump and associated air separator on the leaving side of the heat source provides the warmest temperature along with the lowest pressure for most effective air removal.
      3. However, specify pump construction and seals to be rated for a minimum of 250°F to improve the longevity of the useful life at higher operating temperatures.
      4. Provide strainer on return of each heat sources to prevent system dirt from collecting in low velocity inner heat transfer surfaces of heating equipment.  Also, a sediment dirt leg with blow down valve is recommended as near to inlet as possible (local low point).
      5. Steam to hot water heat exchanger systems:
        1. Controls on steam heat exchangers have a higher risk of routinely overshooting supply water setpoint.  By placing the pumps on the return side, the advantage is that lower operating temperatures on the pumps will better ensure and enable longer useful life on pump internals such as seals.
        2. The difference in solubility of air in water due to the entering hot water return temperature vs. leaving supply temperature is relatively minor with respect to the difference due to pump pressure differential.  With the air removed by the air separator on the suction side of the pump (lowest pressure point), the solubility after the pump will be much higher so air will not come out of solution as it is heated going through the heat exchanger.
        3.  Pumping into heat exchangers also allows the pump strainer and system dirt eliminator to be before the heat source to better protect it without having to add an additional strainer.
  4. Primary-secondary systems:
    1. The system must be piped and controlled so that water never flows in the reverse direction in the decoupler bypass during normal operation.
    2. The supply tee connecting the building supply distribution loop to the primary loop shall be arranged such that the secondary loop is the side branch and the bypass is the straight through direction.  This directs the primary loop water’s energy into the decoupler bypass and requires the secondary loop to pull the water out of the tee.
    3. The return tee connecting the secondary return loop to the primary return shall be arranged such that the bypass is the side branch and the secondary return to the primary return loop is the straight through direction.
    4. The secondary loop return must not be connected too closely to the supply pipe with a bullhead tee in which the velocity head rams into the decoupler bypass which can encourage migration.
    5. Although in theory there should be no pressure drop in the decoupler, in order to avoid thermal contamination in actual systems the decoupler should be at least 10 pipe diameters in length (per ASHRAE Systems Handbook). Longer decouplers tend to increase the pressure drop.
    6. Size decouplers for the flow rate of the largest primary pump. This may be more than the design flow rate of the largest individual piece of production equipment if overpumping is being considered. The pressure drop should not exceed 1.5 ft. As the pressure drop through the decoupler increases, it tends to make the primary and secondary pumps behave like they are in series.

.05 Building Automation System Performance Monitoring
  1. Return Water Temperature – Heat Transfer:  Provide return water temperature transmitters at individual terminals and in main building return to continuously monitor heat transfer performance and alarm abnormal conditions when adequate temperature differential is not maintained.
  2. Energy Consumption of Water Distribution:  Provide flow, temperature difference and watt transmitters to measure operating parameters, programming and trending/reporting to continuously monitor pumping system effectiveness through the BAS and alarm abnormal conditions.  Include pump system efficiency ratios based on system type (such as kW/100 tons for chilled water and kW/1000 MBH for hot water).

.06 Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Well Field Systems
  1. The University encourages the use and application of equipment that reduce the energy consumption of building systems. However, the installation of ground-coupled or geothermal wells have groundwater contamination risks that must be addressed prior to design of any geothermal or ground-coupled systems.
  2. Prior to the start of design, the Design Professional shall review any proposed geothermal or ground-coupled systems at any University location with the Office of Physical Plant, Engineering Services and obtain written consent to proceed prior to any further design development or installation. No geothermal or ground-coupled systems shall be installed at any University location without written approval of the Office of Physical Plant, Engineering Services.
  3. Where approved, well systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with 23 81 00.03  and 33 20 00

23 21 13 HVAC Service Piping 

.01 General Requirements 
  1. Hydronic Piping Design:
    1. General:  Follow the Hydronic System Pipe Sizing guidelines in current edition of ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.
    2. Design to keep system pressure drop low to minimize pump energy and long-term operating costs.
      1. Use pipe fittings with low pressure drop characteristics such as long radius elbows, 45° laterals and Tee Wyes in main branches, tapered concentric/eccentric reducers, and bell-mouth inlets.
      2. Do not use fittings with abrupt changes that cause high pressure drops such as non-tapered reducing flanges or couplings, or bullhead tee connections (either two streams connected to each end of a tee with the discharge on the branch, or the main flow coming into the branch connection and discharging at each end).
    3. Pipe sizes shall be indicated on the plans at each change in direction and at all branch take off locations.
    4. Minimum distribution pipe size shall be ¾”, except ½” runout piping may be used after shut-off valves to individual terminals.
    5. Piping systems shall be designed and installed with adequate pitch to permit all sections of the system to be properly and fully drained.  All supply water piping shall be graded up and return graded down in the direction of flow.  Provide sediment leg and hose end ball drain valves at all low points of systems, at bases of riser, and at lowest points at equipment runouts, typically on downstream side of shut-off valves.
    6. Avoid running piping in such a way that will create air traps at local high points or tend to accumulate dirt legs at low local low points.  If otherwise unavoidable, provide automatic air vents at high points and blow down drain valves on dirt legs at low points.
    7. Differential pressure control of system pumps shall never be accomplished at the pump.  The pressure bypass shall be provided near the end of the system.
    8. All piping run within the building shall be run concealed in the finished portions of building in pipe spaces, ceilings or furred chases and exposed only in mechanical rooms and where shown on the drawings.
    9. No pipe shall pass in front of or interfere with any openings, door or window. Head room in front of openings and doors shall in no case be less than the top of the opening.
    10. Piping shall not pass exposed through electrical rooms or be erected over any switchboard or other electrical gear.
    11. Provide 2-inch clearance between insulated piping and other obstructions.
  2. Hydronic Piping Materials:
    1. Grooved pipe fittings (Victaulic and similar) are not permitted on any portion of a hydronic heating system.
    2. Plastic piping is not permitted on any portion of a hydronic heating system.
    3. Hydronic heating systems generated from Campus Steam Distribution systems are subject to elevated temperatures occasionally exceeding 250 degrees due to superheated campus steam and the relatively high probability of control malfunctions. Therefore, in those applications, the piping system including all associated material selections (gaskets, O-rings, pump seals, flexible connectors, valves, resilient seats, etc.) shall be rated for the maximum temperature that the system could see while pump system is operating (the associated temperature at the pressure relief valve setting).
  3. Unions:
    1. No union shall be placed in a location which will be inaccessible.
    2. Unions shall be installed adjacent to all equipment for repair and replacement.
  4. Electrolysis Control:
    1. Electrolysis control between dissimilar materials shall be achieved through the use of dielectric nipples and a non-dielectric union.
    2. Dielectric unions are prohibited.
  5. Sleeves:
    1. All pipes passing through wall or floor construction shall be fitted with sleeves.  Each sleeve shall extend through its respective floor, wall or partition and shall be cut flush with each surface unless otherwise specified. Sleeves shall be two pipe sizes larger than the pipe when un-insulated and of sufficient size to allow for the insulation without binding. Floor sleeves in mechanical rooms shall extend 4 inches above finished floor, all other spaces minimum one inch above finished floor.
    2. Sleeves in bearing walls, masonry walls, masonry partitions, and floors shall be standard weight steel pipe finished with smooth edges. For other than masonry partitions, through suspended ceilings and for concealed vertical piping, sleeves shall be No. 22 USG galvanized steel.
    3. Where pipes pass through waterproofed floor or walls, design of sleeves shall be such that waterproofing can be flashed into and around the sleeves.
    4. Sleeves through exterior walls below grade shall have the space between pipes and sleeves caulked watertight.
    5. Install one-piece chrome-plated escutcheon plates with set screw at sleeves for all pipes exposed in finished areas.
    6. The annular space between sleeves and pipe shall be filled with fiberglass insulation and caulked in non-fire rated situations.
    7. Where pipes pass through fire-rated floors, walls, or partitions, the use of a UL approved system for through penetrations is required. The annular space around the pipes shall be packed with mineral wool or other noncombustible material and sealed at each exposed edge to maintain the rating of the system in accordance with the through penetration sealant manufacturer's recommendations.
  6. System and Equipment Drains:
    1. Where sectionalizing valves are installed, a drain shall be installed on downstream side of valve to drain that section of the system.
    2. All cooling tower drains and overflow are to be piped to sanitary system (not onto roof).
    3. All system and equipment drains are to be piped to a floor drain.
  7. Welding:
    1. All welding shall be done in accordance with the AWS.
    2. All boiler, pressure vessel, and hydronic piping welding must be done by certified welders must be done by certified welders as required by applicable codes.
    3. All welding must be done with portable welding machines.
  8. Pressure Tests:
    1. Tests shall be in accordance with Guide Specification.
    2. All piping must be tested prior to receiving insulation.
    3. Pressure tests must be witnessed and acknowledged in writing by a University representative.
    4. Without exception, no air pressure testing shall be permitted for chilled water, hot water, steam, steam condensate, domestic water, sanitary, wet sprinkler, or plastic pipe installations.
    5. For specialized cases where air testing is required, such as dry sprinkler pipe, fuel lines, refrigerant piping, or medical gas, approval shall be required from the Penn State OPP Project Lead.  In these cases, appropriate safety measures shall be coordinated with the OPP safety office on a case-by-case basis.
    6. Installers shall follow the applicable section of the OPP Piping Pressure Tests Requirements
  9. Piping System Cleaning:
    1. All hydronic systems shall be chemically cleaned after all items of equipment have been connected to the system and all piping has been complete.  Cleaning shall be done prior to installing chemical treatment of glycol, and prior to acceptance by the University.  See 23 25 00 for more information.
    2. Notify the University at least one week in advance of the date and time that system cleaning is to take place.  The University shall observe the system cleaning process.

.02 Gauge Piping
  1. All gauge piping on hydronic systems shall be extra-strong IPS red brass piping federal specification WW-P-351, Grade A, with threaded joints.
  2. For high pressure steam systems, pressure gauge connections shall be suitable for the maximum allowable working pressure and temperature, but if the temperature exceeds 406°F, brass or copper pipe or tubing shall not be used.  The minimum size syphon shall be 1/4" inside diameter.  For low-pressure steam systems, all gauage piping shall be ono-ferrous.
  3. Provide gauge cocks (low pressure or gate valves (high pressure) for isolations.

.03 Cooling Coil Condensate Drain Piping
  1. Refer to Guide Specifications
  2. Condensate drain piping shall not be less than 1" in diameter.
  3. Provide cleanouts at traps and other locations as required.

.04 Guide Specifications:
  1. Design Professional shall carefully review and edit the guideline specifications below, adapting them as needed to achieve application-specific, fully developed specifications for each project.
  2. These shall be edited using the process described in the instructions contained at the beginning of the document.  Proposed modifications shall be reviewed with OPP staff.
  3. Finalized version shall be included in the project contract documents.  Use of other specifications is not acceptable.

    DocumentVersion DateDescription

    23 21 13 Hydronic Piping Guide Specification

    March 30, 2017

    OPP minimum specification requirements for HVAC Hydronic Piping.

23 21 16 Hydronic Piping Specialties 

.01 General Owner Requirements and Design Intent
  1. General Requirements:
    1. Professional shall design each hydronic piping application with all the required specialties to achieve the functional intent of effictive and safe operation, high reliability, and minimizing maintenance costs on those systems.
    2. Construction documents shall include all drawings and specifications necessary to clearly define the scope of work for the contractor to furnish and install all the hydronic piping specialties required to meet the functional intent above.
      1. Ensure details comply with manufacturer’s installation instructions.
      2. Locate in safe and convenient area and provide convenient means for frequently inspecting and cleaning.  Maintain manufacturer's recommended clearances.
      3. Coordinate requirements between Specifications and Drawings.
    3. Hydronic piping specialties work includes the following:
      1. Special Purpose Valves
        1. Pressure Reducing/Regulating Valves
        2. Safety Valves
        3. Combination Shut-off /Balancing Valves
        4. Differential Pressure Control Valves
        5. Packaged Coil Hook-up Sets
      2. Air Vents
        1. Manual Air Vents
        2. Automatic Air Vents
      3. Expansion Tanks
      4. Air and Dirt Removal Devices
        1. Air Separator
        2. Dirt Separators
        3. Strainer
        4. Side Stream Water Filters
        5. Open Systems Solids Separator Systems
      5. Flexible Pipe Connectors
  2. Applications and Selection Criteria:
    1. Flow Balancing Valves
      1. Refer to guidelines in 23 21 00 HYDRONIC SYSTEMS, .02 Flow Balance and Differential Pressure Control.
      2. Balancing valves shall be sized to allow accurate and reliable measurement for the specified flow rates, which may not necessarily be the same as the line size.
    2. Packaged Coil Hook-up Sets
      1. Piping system longevity is important, so hard piping is required.  Flexible neoprene/EPDM hoses are not to be used due to much shorter expected life of resilient material failing due to combination of effects of heat, chemicals, and dry rotting of rubber.
    3. Air Eliminator and Dirt Separators:
      1. General:  Refer to guidelines in 23 21 00 HYDRONIC SYSTEMS, .03 Air and Dirt Elimination
      2. High Performance Coalescing type air eliminator and dirt separators shall be installed in each closed hydronic system.
      3. The following types of air separator units shall NOT be used:
        1. Tangential type that depend on vortex action
        2. In-line type that depend on internal weir
        3. Units using PALL rings
        4. Units with strainer type screens requiring routine removal and cleaning.
      4. Select units at the point of peak efficiency per the manufacturer’s recommendation.  Units shall be selected for low system pressure drop, not to exceed maximum of 4 feet of head at maximum design flow rate.
      5. Dirt separator only and combination air/dirt separator units shall include removable bottom and mounted with sufficient clearance for accessing, pulling media and cleaning of interior of unit.
      6. Include detail and specifications to require a separate ball isolation valve of same inlet pipe connection size as auto air vent .
        1. This may not be a standard feature offered by manufacturers.    However, auto air vents have float and small orifice mechanism that can clog or stick (especially with glycol fluids).  These isolation valves are an important OPP requirement to enable quick and cost effective repair or replacement of auto air vent without shutting off and/or draining the main system.
      7. Refer to Guideline Details descriptions later in this section and select the best fit for each specific application.  Review and coordinate application with OPP Engineering Services and Water Treatment Supervisor.
        1. Exception:  If main piping distribution system uses all non-ferrous piping materials, then a single combined air and dirt eliminator model installed prior to the pump is recommended.
      8. Do not retrofit coalescing air eliminators to existing air control type systems with open (air cushion in direct contact with water) type expansion tanks without also upgrading the expansion tank to closed, pressurized type (bladder or diaphragm).
    4. Strainers:
      1. Strainers shall be strategically applied as necessary to protect system elements, but sparingly and with screens/mesh size appropriate to the location in the system to enhance energy efficiency.
      2. Piping systems shall be designed in a way to most effectively trap the bulk of the particles coming from the main and large branches of the piping distribution system in as few strainers as practical (particularly during cleaning and flushing operations) and to minimize the need for continually servicing individual strainers while still providing adequate protection of terminal coils and control valves.
        1. In general, subdivide the branch piping to serve groups of terminals that do not exceed 2” (the typical upper limit for use of copper pipe sizes) and provide a strainer assembly in the branch supply pipe with mesh size to protect each group of terminals downstream.
        2. Coordinate and combine the branch strainer with self-regulating pressure regulator as applicable for subdivided branches serving hydronic modules of similar terminal loads.  Refer to 23 21 00 HYDRONIC PIPING AND PUMPS, .02 Flow Balance and Differential Pressure Control for additional information.
        3. The individual strainers at each heating/cooling terminal unit shall still be installed.  They are required to protect the small orifices in terminal unit characterized control valves that are susceptible to trapping any soldering flux or other small debris that would initially be in the piping downstream of the branch strainers during cleaning and flushing operations.  However, the intent would be to remove the screens after the system has been properly cleaned and flushed but kept with the strainer body to reinsert if/when needed for future system chemical cleaning/flushing.
        4. Include a flushing bypass valve assembly across the terminal runouts of each device protected by strainers and at the branch strainer assemblies to allow for main system chemical cleaning/flushing circulation without clogging downstream device or strainer assemblies with materials intended to be removed by the process back at the central plant dirt removal equipment.  Coordinate with requirements in Water Treatment Standards and Guidespec sections.
        5. Coordinate these requirements for Branch strainers for groups of multiple small terminal units with the Guidespec and well-defined drawing plans and details.
      3. Do not apply fine mesh strainers in suction side of pumps serving open cooling tower condenser loops or other open systems that can quickly clog.
        1. Not only will pressure drop quickly increase, dropping performance in increasing energy cost, but cavitation will occur which will quickly damage equipment.
    5. Side Stream Water Filters
      1. Refer to HVAC Water Treatment design standard 23 25 00 and guidespec section to coordinate requirements.
    6. Open Systems Solids Separator Systems
      1. Solids separator systems (similar to HVAC options offered by LAKOS)  that minimize maintenance and reduce energy, water and chemical consumption and that do not impose a varying pressure drop to the primary loop shall be engineered for each open application for lowest life-cycle cost. 
      2. Include automatic means to purge solids while minimizing makeup water requirements.
      3. Coordinate with Water Treatment for Open Hydronic Systems.

.02 Guide Specifications:
  1. Design Professional shall carefully review and edit the guideline specifications below, adapting them as needed to achieve application-specific, fully developed specifications for each project.
  2. These shall be edited using the process described in the instructions contained at the beginning of the document. Proposed modifications shall be reviewed with OPP staff.
  3. Finalized version shall be included in the project contract documents. Use of other specifications is not acceptable.

    DocumentVersion DateDescription

     23 21 16 Hydronic Piping Specialties Guide Specification

     November 15, 2013

    OPP minimum specification requirements for HVAC Hydronic Piping Specialties.


 .03 Guideline Details
  1. Professional shall carefully review and edit the guideline installation details below, adapting them as needed to achieve application-specific, fully developed details for each project.

    DocumentVersion DateDescription

    Detail # 232113-D01

     Hydronic Plant Piping Schematic (AutoCAD) 

    Hydronic Plant Piping Schematic (PDF)

    March 1, 2017This schematic detail indicates general requirements and arrangement of hydronic specialties associated with each closed hydronic plant system with separate air and dirt eliminators.  This is the strongly preferred arrangement for all new construction and where it can be applied cost effectively to upgrades of existing systems.

    Detail # 232113-D02

     Hydronic Plant Piping Schematic #2 (AutoCAD) 

    Hydronic Plant Piping Schematic #2 (PDF)

    March 1, 2017This schematic detail indicates general requirements and arrangement of hydronic specialties associated with each closed hydronic plant system with a combined air and dirt eliminator.  This is NOT the preferred arrangement, due to the undesirable complexity of the blowdown arrangement and associated procedures.  However, in cases where a combined air and dirt eliminator has been installed relatively recently (determined to be in excellent to good condition and working satisfactorily), or when existing space constraints do not allow separate units, then this arrangement may be considered.  Review these specific cases with OPP.

23 21 23 HVAC Pumps 

.01 Owner General Requirements
  1. HVAC Pumping Systems - Application Requirements
    1. Professional shall design each application for optimal operating efficiency, reliability, and flexibility with the lowest life cycle cost.
      1. General:  Comply with Hydronic System Design and Control requirements in current ASHRAE Standard 90.1 supplemented by University requirements below.
        1. 01 81 13 Sustainable Design Requirements
        2. 23 00 01.01 Summary of Design Intent
        3. 23 00 10.06 Central Heating and Cooling Plant
        4. 25 90 00 GUIDE SEQUENCES OF OPERATION  
        5. Design Phase Submittal Requirements 
      2. Design for efficient and stable system operation:  Professional shall determine the anticipated minimum and maximum loads for each pumping system and evaluate most appropriate number, combination and arrangement of pumps for optimal efficiency and stable operation of pumps over entire operating range.
        1. Overall pumping system shall be capable of operating effectively in extreme part load without deadheading or shutting off pumps entirely.  For large systems with broad range of loads, evaluate the application of an additional low load pump arrangement if minimum operating point would routinely be less than minimum staged or speed control capabilities of heating/cooling pump(s) sized for full load
          1. Professional shall determine this minimum pump flow for each application. As a general guideline, this is often expressed as a percentage (20-25%) of the best efficiency point (BEP) flow rate, but shall be reviewed to comply with the pump manufacturers’ recommendations.  On variable speed pump applications, this minimum flow is a function of the pump BEP at the minimum speed which will maintain the system control head, NOT merely based on the BEP flow rate of the full design capacity impeller/speed curve.
        2. Do not use automatic bypass valve installed in mains (directly across the pump) to ensure minimum flow.  These are often set up incorrectly or malfunction and contribute to poor system performance and yet are hard to detect as functioning improperly.
          1. If otherwise unavoidable to assure stable operation at very low flows (avoiding deadheading) and/or to maintain temperatures in the loop, small bypass control valves may be located out at the end(s) of the distribution piping system.  The sizing of these valves shall be based on the absolute MINIMUM flow requirements of the pump operating at its minimum speed (as described above), not just an arbitrary “rule of thumb” percentage of the full design flow.  In these cases, the bypass shall be normally closed and open only when pump/VFD is at minimum speed and DP setpoint is exceeded for a specified minimum period of time (5 minutes (adj.).
      3. Reliability:  Professional shall determine the consequences of system failure and provide for adequate system redundancy for each application. 
        1. Install fully redundant (N+1) stand-by pumps for extremely critical applications (such as critical research laboratories and computer centers) and/or as otherwise defined specifically in the Owner’s Project Requirements.
        2. Three (3) pumps in parallel, each sized for 50% of maximum load, with two operated in staged lead-lag control with the third in standby, offers the advantages of greater system turndown, three chances to total system failure, duty-standby ability, and smaller individual motors and pumps.
        3. For non-critical applications (such as general office spaces, general purpose classrooms, general commercial type spaces) full redundancy/complete standby is typically not required.  In such cases two (2) pumps in parallel, each sized for 50% of maximum load may be considered.  This arrangements offers greater turndown and still provides for approximately 70% of total system capacity in the event of a single pump failure.
      4. Flexibility: Consider potential future expansion of pumped systems. Extent of expansion will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Consult with the University Project Leader and Engineering Services.
  2. Selection Criteria:
    1. For HVAC Pump Systems (Chilled Water, Condenser Water, Hot Water Heating):
      1. Use end suction, double suction or in-line pumps as described in Equipment Requirements.
        1. Typically, use base mounted pumps for all applications over 10HP.
      2. Match pump curve characteristics to system application. 
        1. Flat characteristic pumps - closed systems with modulating two-way control valves.
        2. Steep characteristic pumps -  open systems, such as cooling towers where higher head and constant flow are usually desired.
      3. Select and specify pumps and motors to be non-overloading (not into the motor service factor), as the pump operates throughout any point along its flow/pressure curve.
        1. This must be carefully considered, particularly in multiple/parallel pump applications to avoid overloading in single pump operation.
      4. Select each pump as closely as possible to its best efficiency range, depending on application:
        1. Constant-speed pumps:  pick pump such that conservative design conditions are close to and just left of, peak pump efficiency (to allow for safe and efficient operation at actual operating point that are typically at lower head/higher flow).
        2. Variable-speed pumps:  pick pump such that conservative design conditions are close to and just right of peak pump efficiency (this allows for the pump to operate closer to the best efficiency curve as the speed is reduced to minimum since the actual system control curve is shifted up and thus to the left.)
      5. Select for quiet operation.  In order to minimize potential for internal noise generation, pumps shall be selected so that the ratio of impeller radius to cutwater radius shall be no greater than 0.85.
      6. Include additional gpm in pump capacity for bypass filter (approximately 10% of system capacity -  refer to bypass/sidestream filter requirements in chemical treatment section).
      7. Pumps shall be rated for minimum of 175 psi (12 bar) working pressure or higher as otherwise required to provide rated working pressure of at least 1.5 times maximum operating pressure.
      8. In general, specify pumps with 1750/1800 rpm motors, unless design condition necessitates alternate motor speed.
        1. Motors shall meet NEMA Premium efficiency levels.
        2. Comply with other special requirements for motors (shaft grounding) on variable speed drives indicated in 23 05 01.01 Motors and Drives
    2. Seals:  The Professional shall follow industry best practices and the recommendations of the pump manufacturer to select and specify the most appropriate seals for minimizing long term maintenance and the lowest life cycle cost.  Refer to the following general guidelines and review with OPP.

      Seal Type

      Typical ApplicationTemperature Range (°F)Max. Working Pressure (psi)PH Limits
      Standard Mechanical (BUNA)Open or closed clear water systems (heating hot water, chilled water, closed loop condenser water).-20 to +2251757-9
      Standard Mechanical (EPR)Open or closed clear water systems (high temp hot water, special process, high temp, high PH).-20 to +2501757-11
      FLUSHED SINGLE SEALS (Stuffing Box Design)Closed or open systems where the temperature or pressure requirements exceed the limitations of the standard seal.-20 to +300175 or 2507-11 
      FLUSHED DOUBLE SEALS (Stuffing Box Design)Closed or open low pressure systems which may contain a high concentration of abrasives.  An external flush is required.0 to +250175 7-9
      PACKING (Stuffing Box Design)Open or closed systems which require a large amount of make-up water, as well as systems which are subjected to widely varying chemical conditions and solids buildup (open condenser water).0 to +190 -7-9
    3. Documentation:  The Professional shall schedule all pump performance data and project/application specific requirements on the drawings (not within project specifications).  Pump schedules shall indicate identification tag, system served, operation (Duty or Standby), pump type (i.e. end suction, double suction), service fluid (i.e percentage of glycol, operating temperature, etc.) gpm, pump head, rpm, minimum pump efficiency (or maximum brake horsepower), motor horsepower, location, manufacturer and model number (basis of design), and electrical characteristics including starter/speed drive type, and whether on normal/emergency standby power (where applicable).
      1. It is imperative to define minimum pump efficiency/max bhp to ensure final pumps submitted by contractor meet actual optimized design performance, not just within nominal motor horsepower.
      2. Where remote start-stop, or status monitoring is required, use combination magnetic starter or variable speed drive (not manual starter).
      3. Professional shall follow University Equipment Acronym List  and Equipment numbering policy defined in Mechanical Identification in developing equipment tags and schedules.
    4. Equipment Layout:  Comply with all Space Planning Requirements indicated in 01 05 05.01 Planning for Engineered Building Systems.  Maintain minimum recommended service clearances around pumps of 24”.
    5. Quality Assurance and Uniformity:  
      1. All pumps shall be constructed and tested in accordance with current ANSI/HI Standards for centrifugal pumps.
        1. Small pumps (under 10 hp) shall meet at least level B performance of ANSI/HI 1.6 Standard.
        2. Large pumps (10 hp and greater) shall be factory tested and certified to level A performance of ANSI/HI 1.6 Standard.
      2. Pump manufacturer shall be ISO-9001 certified. Pumps shall be of U.S. manufacturer.
      3. Provide pumps of same type by same manufacturer.
  3. Related Standards Sections
    1. 23 00 01 Owner General Requirements and Design Intent
    2. 23 00 10 Systems Selection and Application
    4. 23 05 01 Mechanical General Requirements
    5. 23 05 93 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC
    8. 26 29 23 Variable-Frequency Motor Controllers 

.02 Equipment Requirements
  1. Base Mounted, Flexible Coupled, End Suction Pumps
    1. Base mounted end suction circulating pumps shall be of the centrifugal, single stage type, with back pull-out design.
    2. Pump and motor shall be connected through a flexible drive coupling (per requirements below), with safety guard.
    3. Pumps shall be bronze fitted, with bronze impeller, statically and hydraulically balanced.
    4. A replaceable bronze shaft sleeve shall completely cover the wetted area under the seal.
    5. Volute shall have gauge tappings at the suction and discharge nozzles and vent and drain tappings at the top and bottom.
    6. Pump bearing housing shall have heavy duty regreasable ball bearings.
    7. Pump and motor shall be properly mounted and aligned on a common, welded, rigid structural steel or cast iron base, with an enclosed perimeter with opening for grouting in place. Base shall be grouted in place.
  2. Base Mounted, Flexible Coupled, Double Suction Circulating Pumps
    1. Base mounted double suction circulating pumps, shall be centrifugal, single-stage type with horizontal split case design for servicing the impeller without disruption of the piping.
    2. Pump and motor shall be connected through a flexible drive coupling (per requirements below), with safety guard.
    3. Pumps shall be bronze fitted, with bronze impeller, statically and hydraulically balanced.
    4. A replaceable bronze shaft sleeve shall completely cover the wetted area under the seal.
    5. Volute shall have gauge tappings at the suction and discharge nozzles and vent and drain tappings at the top and bottom.
    6. Pump bearing housing shall have heavy duty regreasable ball bearings.
    7. Vertical split case design is also acceptable, where floor space is at a premium.
    8. Provide rigid steel grout base and grout as described for End Suction Pumps section above.
  3. In-Line (horizontal or vertical) Circulating Pumps
    1. In-line circulating pumps shall be centrifugal, single stage; with cast iron body and bronze impeller and trim construction, unless special fluid handling dictates otherwise.  Impeller shall be both hydraulically and dynamically balanced.
    2. The motor shaft shall be connected to the pump shaft via a replaceable flexible or split coupler with guard.
      1. Coupler shall permit seal maintenance without disturbing pump or motor.
      2. Motors shall be industry standard shaft and mounting for readily available and cost effective replacement, not close-coupled that have special shaft/motor mount requirements.
    3. The pump internals shall be capable of being serviced without disturbing piping connections.
    4. A replaceable bronze/non-ferrous shaft sleeve shall completely cover the wetted area under the seal.
    5. Pump shall be of a maintainable design and for ease of maintenance should use machine fit parts, not press fit components.
    6. Comply with manufacturer’s installation instructions for supporting pump to maintain proper shaft alignment.
  4. Pumps - Close Coupled
    1. Close coupled pumps are not permitted.
      1. Although they may save space and have lower first cost, close-coupled pumps are typically undesirable from a maintenance perspective regarding repairing seals or replacing special order motors with special shaft or base mounting hole requirements.
      2. Will consider exceptions for very small, in-line, booster pump applications in which it is more economical to replace pumps in entirety rather than service parts.
  5. Pump Flexible Couplings
    1. Pump flexible couplings shall be the elastomer-in-shear toothed or donut element type.  Coupling assembly shall have 4-way flexing action that can absorb torsional, angular parallel and axial shock, vibration and misalignment. 
      1. Toothed element type shall be comprised of three parts, two metal flanges with internal teeth that engage an elastomeric flexible element (sleeve) with external teeth. Each flange is attached to the respective shaft of the driver and driven and torque is transmitted across the flanges through the sleeve. As manufactured by TB Woods “Sure-Flex” or equivalent.
      2. Donut elastomer element type shall be comprised of three components, two shaft hubs and a lightweight, splin-in-half elastomer donut element with bonded attachment collars that are bolted to the hubs for easy replacement without removing the hubs..  Each hub is attached to the respective shaft of the driver and driven and torque is transmitted across the shafts through the element.  As manufactured by TB Woods “Dura-Flex” or equivalent.
    2. Couplings shall be center drop-out, spacer type to allow disassembly and removal without removing pump shaft or motor.
    3. Select suitable sleeve material for each application depending on maximum load, constant or variable speed/torque, and operating conditions for most trouble-free and longest service life. 
    4. “Jaw” type couplings shall not be permitted.

.03 Execution
  1. Installation and Start-up/Commissioning
    1. Install pumps and accessories in strict accordance with the manufacturer's requirements for maintaining optimum hydraulic performance and lowest accessory pressure drop.
    2. Base mounted pumps installed on slab-on grade shall typically be mounted on a concrete housekeeping pad with anchor bolts.  Base mounted pumps installed above grade shall be provided with concrete inertia bases with spring vibration isolators.
      1. Exception:  For sensitive applications, such as experimental research that could be affected by mechanical system vibrations, provide inertia bases and spring vibration isolation regardless of floor construction.
      2. In general, the housekeeping pad shall be at least 4 in. thick and 6 in. wider than the pump base plate on each side.  Vibration type bases shall also include a minimum 2” pad underneath to prevent water from reaching and corroding vibration spring mountings.
      3. Steel pump frame bases shall be leveled on housekeeping pad or inertia sub-base, rigidly anchored, and completely filled with non-shrink grout formulated for equipment bases in accordance with pump manufacturer’s installation instructions.  Grout prevents the base from shifting, fills in irregularities, and further stiffens the base to maintain long-term alignment.
      4. Sound and Vibration Control Requirements:  Comply with the following:
        1. Standard 23 05 01.04 Sound and Vibration Control. Which also references the ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications; Vibration Isolation and Control.
    3. All piping connections to pumps shall be independently supported so that no strain is imposed on the pump casing flanges.
      1. Support suction diffusers and piping directly in contact with pump from housekeeping pad (for slab on grade) or inertia base (above grade).
    4. Install line-sized, shutoff valves in the suction and discharge piping of each pump to permit servicing the pump and strainer without draining the system. 
      1. Refer to application guidelines for Shutoff Valves in .02 Valves.
      2. In multiple pump arrangements, install a globe style, center-guided, silent (a.k.a. "non-slam") check valve in each pump discharge to prevent reverse flow in a non-running pump.
      3. Check valve shall be located between the pump and its associated shutoff so the check valve can be serviced or replaced easily without draining the rest of the system.
    5. Dedicated flow measuring devices in each pump discharge are NOT to be installed.  The goal is to avoid unnecessary system pressure drop, added complexity and installation space requirements to achieve the required straight pipe before and after, and associated installed and operating costs.  Flows shall be determined when necessary by portable ultrasonic flow meters or other means and methods.  If specific applications have some other overriding reason to include, review those exceptions with Engineering Services.
      1. In general, do not use manual balance valves on pump discharge. See Hydronic System Balancing requirements below.
      2. Multi-purpose (triple duty) valves are not permitted because:
        1. Their pressure drop is usually greater than separate check and butterfly shutoff; 
        2. they are often inaccurate and particularly at lower pressure drops,
        3. the check valve portion cannot be repaired without draining the system unless an additional shut off valve downstream
    6. Provide flexible pipe connectors on suction and discharge sides of base-mounted pumps between pump casing/suction diffuser and isolation valves for effective vibration isolation.  
      1. Exception:  Flexible connectors are typically not required on in-line pumps (allowing pumps to be supported from adjacent piping.  However, special noise or vibration requirements in sensitive applications may overrule and still require the isolators.
      2. Systems with operating temperatures less than 105°F:  Spherical Elastomer Type:
        1. Shall be peroxide cured EPDM throughout with Kevlar® tire cord reinforcement.
        2. End connections shall be threaded or flanged.  The assembly shall encase solid steel rings molded within the rubber to prevent pull out.  Flexible cable wire is not acceptable.
        3. Minimum temperature rating shall be 250°F.
        4. Sizes 3/4" through 2" may have one sphere with bolted threaded flange assemblies.
        5. Sizes 2-1/2" through 14" shall have a ductile iron external ring between the two spheres.
        6. Sizes 16" through 24" may be single sphere.
        7. Include control rods or cables as recommended by manufacturer for the application.  The piping gap shall be equal to the length of the expansion joint under pressure.  Control rods passing through 1/2" thick neoprene washer bushings large enough to take the thrust at 1000psi of surface area may be used on unanchored piping where the manufacturer determines the condition exceeds the expansion joint rating without them.
        8. Strictly follow all of the manufacturer's installation instructions.
        9. Documented performance:  Submittals shall include test reports by independent consultants showing minimum reductions of 20 DB in vibration acceleration and 10 DB in sound pressure levels at typical blade passage frequencies on this or a similar product by the same manufacturer.
        10. Shall be SAFEFLEX series as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc.
        11. Substitutions must have certifiable equal or superior characteristics.
      3. Systems with operating temperatures 105°F and greater:  Use flexible corrugated and braided metal pipe connectors.
        1. Length shall be per manufacturer's guidelines to achieve adequate vibration isolation.
        2. Strictly follow all of the manufacturer's installation instructions.
      4. All flexible connectors shall be installed on the equipment side of the shut off valves so they can be easily isolated from main system for future inspection and replacement.
    7. Pump suction piping shall be kept free of air traps and pockets.
    8. Install long-tapered reducers and increasers on suction and discharge lines to smoothly transition the pipe size and pump flanges with minimum pressure drop.  Abrupt transitions, bushings and reducing flanges are not permissible.
    9. Install a strainer (coarse mesh) in the suction pipe to remove foreign particles that can damage the pump.  Final piping connection to pump suction shall be as direct and as smooth as possible to ensure uniform flow distribution.  Follow pump manufacturer’s installation instructions to ensure performance.   Eccentric reducers shall be used at the pump suction flange to reduce the potential formation of air pockets.
      1. On base mounted pumps, install a long radius elbow and straight section of piping at least 5 pipe diameters long (or as otherwise recommended by pump manufacturer’s installation instructions) at the pump inlet to ensure uniform flow distribution.  Suction diffusers (combination elbow, flow straightening vanes and strainer) are recommended in lieu of the straight pipe requirement where spacing is a constraint.
      2. Do not use strainers/suction diffusers on pumps for open condenser water systems pulling directly from cooling towers, as they can become quickly blocked, resulting in severely reduce system capacity, pump cavitation and damage.
      3. Be sure to remove any temporary fine mesh start-up screen after cleaning/flushing and commissioning and replace with normal screen to protect the pump and minimize the suction pressure drop in normal operation.
      4. Pump applications with a suction lift shall have an eccentric reducer or a long-sweep reducing elbow at the suction to avoid air pockets.
    10. Provide a purge cock on top of the casing, a hose end drain valve on the bottom, and a hose end drain valve on blow-off side of the strainer/suction diffuser.
    11. Install a single pressure gauge with ¼” ball valves and interconnecting piping from the suction to the discharge sides of the pump and upstream of the strainer shall be provided on each pump in order that each pressure and/or difference can be observed from a single gauge.
    12. For vibration testing requirements, refer to Section 23 05 01 .04 Sound and Vibration Control.
      1. Final Alignment: All base-mounted, flexible-coupled pumps shall have final alignment of motors, couplings and pump shafts performed by an independent HVAC Vibration Analyst, using precision laser equipment.
        1. The Contractor shall coordinate and contract the services of the University’s HVAC Vibration Analyst (At University Park, arranged through the Supervisor of Refrigeration and Mechanical Services) whenever available.  Otherwise (and at Commonwealth Campus locations) the Contractor shall hire an independent, third party Vibration Analyst meeting the approval of the University. 
        2. Align the pump shaft couplings properly and shim the motor base as required to be within tolerances recommended by pump manufacturer, and/or by specific coupling type, and/or University HVAC Vibration Analyst - whichever is most stringent.
        3. Measured results of vibration testing and final alignment shall be recorded and coordinated to be entered into University’s Preventative Maintenance Software at time of start-up AND included in final report to be submitted as part of TAB/O&M submittals.
        4. IMPORTANT:  Incorrect alignment causes rapid coupling and bearing failure.  This work must be completed to the satisfaction of the University as part of the criteria determining Substantial Completion.
    13. Hydronic System Balancing;  Hydronic systems shall be proportionately balanced in a manner to first minimize throttling losses; then the pump impeller shall be trimmed or maximum pump speed shall be adjusted to meet design flow conditions at actual minimum pressure required to satisfy critical zone(s).
      1. On constant speed pumps, the amount of overpressure shall be determined at time of system balance and the impeller trimmed to eliminate as much of the overpressure as possible.
      2. On variable speed systems, the pump controls shall be adjusted by limiting the maximum speed of the pump.
      3. Exceptions: Impellers need not be trimmed:
        1. For pumps with pump motors 5 hp or less.
        2. When throttling results in no greater than 5% of the nameplate horsepower draw, or 3 hp, whichever is less, above that required if the impeller was trimmed.
      4. For testing, adjusting and balancing requirements, refer to 23 05 93 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC.
    14. For insulation requirements, refer to 23 07 00 HVAC INSULATION.
      1. Provide removable insulation sections to cover parts of equipment that must be accessed periodically for maintenance (i.e. – strainers, grease fittings, vent/drain plugs or valves, p/t ports)  without damaging insulation or compromising vapor barrier; include metal vessel covers, fasteners, flanges, frames and accessories.
      2. Ensure that the bearing assembly grease fittings remain accessible and visible. Any vent slots on the sides and bottom of the bearing assembly should remain uncovered and completely open.
      3. Insulation on pump systems operating below ambient dew point (such as chilled water) shall be insulated with closed cell foam with all joints and penetrations completely sealed to maintain vapor barrier.
    15. Provide mechanical identification per University Standards.
      1. 23 05 01.05 Mechanical Identification
    16. Refer to Detail [23 21 23 – D01] for typical end suction pump installation.  (Details are not yet available in WEB-based manual.)
    17. Refer to Detail [23 21 23 – D02] for typical in-line pump installation.  (Details are not yet available in WEB-based manual).

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