

21 05 01 Fire Suppression General Requirements

.01 Painting
  1. See Division 09 90 00.

.02 Access Panels
  1. Access panels are required in each situation where items requiring maintenance are located above a concealed ceiling.
  2. Use screwdriver actuated locks.
  3. Access panel sizes shall be suitable for application.
  4. Access panel locations shall be indicated on contract drawings.
  5. Access panels are not required in lay-in ceilings, but identify appropriate tile with color button, cleated through, located on the adjacent ceiling grid.  Use color code of principal service.

.03 Motors and Drives
  1. Motors
    1. All motors over 1/2 hp shall be ball bearing unless otherwise noted.
    2. All ball bearing motors shall be equipped with lubricating type bearings, and provided with one (1) grease fitting per bearing and one (1) removable plug per bearing in the bottom of the grease sump to provide for flushing and pressure relief when lubricating.  Motors shall be permanently marked that bearings are lubricating type bearings.  Where motor grease fittings are not accessible, extend 1/8" steel or copper tubing from fitting to an accessible location.
    3. Motors 3/4 hp and larger to be three phase, 60 hertz.
    4. Motors smaller than 3/4 hp to be single phase, 60 hertz, 120V and shall have built in thermal protection.
    5. All motors above 1 hp shall be the low loss - high efficiency type.  Motors shall be tested in accordance with NEMA standard MG1 1.536 and name plate shall indicate the index letter.
    6. All 3-phase motors larger than 5 hp shall have power factor correction capacitors as recommended by the manufacturer.
    7. Motor inrush current must not create a voltage sag in excess of 3 percent without specific University approval.
    8. A voltage sag report shall be completed by the Professional on selected projects as determined by the University.  Report shall include backup calculations and expected building voltage sag when motor or motors in question are started.
    9. The University has experienced widespread premature motor shaft bearing failures due to fluting from electrical arcing on motors equipped with Variable Frequency Drives.  The Design Engineer must specify appropriate technologies and/or include provisions in the system design to prevent electrical fluting induced premature bearing failure from occurring.
  2. Drives
    1. All belt driven equipment shall include properly selected adjustable sheaves and matched V belts, all rated for 150% of motor horsepower.  Proper expanded metal guards should be provided for safety protection and to allow for proper ventilation for cool operation of belts.  Solid sheaves and band belts shall be used to minimize vibration in multiple V-belt driven equipment.
    2. Motor grease fittings shall be extended so belt guards do not need to be removed.
    3. All adjustable sheaves shall be replaced with suitable fixed sheaves prior to final acceptance by the University.

.04 Pressure Gages and Thermometers
  1. Gages for general use shall be "Quality" type as manufactured by Marsh Instrument Company or equal.  Gages shall have a 4 1/2 inch diameter dial.  In main mechanical room, Contractor shall provide 6" diameter gages for water and air.  Gages shall be calibrated for static head.  All gages shall be equipped with shutoff valves and snubbers.
  2. The scale on gages and thermometers shall be read to twice the operating pressure or temperature.  The Professional shall specify gage and thermometer ranges.

.05 Pipe Hangers and Supports
  1. Provide an adequate pipe suspension system in accordance with the current version of the International Mechanical Code, recognized engineering practices, using standard, commercially accepted pipe hangers and accessories.  The use of pipe hooks, chains, or perforated iron for pipe supports will not be accepted.
  2. Pipe suspension systems for fire suppression systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with applicable sections of NFPA.  See Division 21 00 10.01 - 21 00 10.04 for additional requirements.
  3. Contractor shall submit Data sheets for approval on all pipe hanger items prior to installation.
  4. All piping shall be arranged to maintain the required pitch and provided for proper expansion and contraction.
  5. No holes are to be drilled or burned in structural building steel for hanger rod supports.
  6. Vertical runs of pipe shall be supported with riser clamps made specifically for pipe or for tubing.
  7. Where concentrated loads of valves and fittings occur, closer spacing may be necessary.  Hangers must be installed not more than 12 inches from each change in direction of pipes.
  8. All hangers for piping shall be provided with a means of vertical adjustment.  If adjustment is not incorporated in the hangers, use turnbuckles.
  9. Provide piping suspension systems with vibration isolation capability as required.  For vibration isolation requirements of piping suspension systems, refer to Paragraph 15A.13.
  10. Copper clamps and hangers shall be used on copper piping.

.06 Sound and Vibration Control
  1. Coordinate and comply with all applicable requirements as described in section 23 05 01.04 Sound and Vibration Control.

.07 Mechanical Identification
  1. Coordinate and comply with all applicable requirements as described in section 23 05 01.05 Mechanical Identification.

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